Chapter 10 - A day out

Start from the beginning

“What shall we do next?” he urged as he looked at me with a crooked grin

“How about pool?” I suggested not that I was any good I mean

“Cool” he said and held on to my hand the third time today I was going to barf in happiness! Not that I would or else I will be shamed!

“Ok want to go first” he held on to his pole and nodded towards me

I bent down and held on to the pole like an idiot, I wasn’t doing it right. I was fumbling until he came behind me and placed his arms on mine and we bent over the table.

“Look at the white ball and aim it towards the striped ones” his warm breath tingled my ear my heart was pounding erratically

“Ok…”I breathed and I managed to shot it in

I felt his arms around me; I felt them tangle with mine his hands on top of mine as he held it tight. I was happy filled with bliss no idea why I felt this way but I was just damn happy. When I shot it in I turned around to see his face so close to mine I jumped wide eyed and moved away.

“Sorry” I mumbled as I touched my neck blushing “Your turn”

And he did it swiftly, he was a pro I thought not like me but no one was better than anyone really. I only played pool a few times and with my father too but I was young so I didn’t play that well. To think I will be playing with someone my own age and all.  When the game was nearing to an end I excused myself to the girl’s loo which was in another shop he said he will be here and I walked away feeling lighter.

I was so in my own world that I managed to not see who was following behind me, it was getting dark it was winter and all I wrapped my jumper tighter around me. I heard the crunch and footsteps I actually generally thought I was by myself and all I didn't think I would hear someone with me. going to the next shop was a mission by the time I actually came out I felt better but still scared I kept walking fast I mean I had to cross the road right?

But I was wrong, I knew someone was following me bu to think I had three men honing on me made me jitter in fear I ran that was any idiot would really. But to think I ran the wrong way the way I could have bumped into Raphael but no I ran where I knew I would be trapped I felt like I was trapped in a horror movie!

I was out of breath I was running too much and too fast I managed to lose the men for a quick second I ran into the shed to see if I could hide until they moved away! But I was so wrong this wasn’t a shed this was like a warehouse I walked myself into a trap I moaned as my gasps came in sharp jagged breath I was getting a stitch and I was surely to be attacked if I didn’t hide.

“Not so fast!” yelled the brown hated man I stopped and turned towards the other two

“Who the hell are you and what do you want!” I screamed I don’t care where I was but I will shout until I get out

“WE just want to talk” said the blue hated man and I gulped like hell they can fool me

“No…” I whispered as I fumbled to get my phone out but then I realized I didn’t have my phone on me and I stared wide eyed “No…” I whispered again

“Listen kid we just need you to cooperate with us and we will talk” said the green hat man and I felt my lips tremble no way was I doing this again

The first time was not fun and this won’t be either why wasn’t anything easier? Why did it get more difficult?

“If you want to talk do so now!” I said and they sighed

“Look it’s about your father” said the brown hat man said irritably I wanted to punch him why was it always about my DAD!

“Tell me what you know about him!” I urged but I edged back as they came closer I didn’t trust them one bit

The Spy I Never Knew : BreakdownWhere stories live. Discover now