4. Threatening mom?!

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Previously in Avatar De legende van Shana...

 "Hey, girl, can we ask you a few questions? It won't take long." I nod. "Okay, what?" "Well, can you bend an element?" I look at them incredulously and start laughing. "What? Seriously? Is this a movie or something? Come on." I try to walk away, but I'm soon grabbed by the arm. "Hey, let me go!" I try to break free. "Answer my question first," a man whispers menacingly in my ear. "No, fine!" I respond sharply. This time, I manage to break free and quickly walk away. I sigh. Some people are just plain weird.


I've been walking through the park for a while now, even though I'm not exactly sure why. Thankfully, I've lost those strange men. In the distance, I spot a group of boys with scooters. Hmm, I actually want to head in that direction, but they look so intimidating. I take a deep breath and decide to go for it. As I get closer, I almost pass them without any fear or eye contact. Suddenly, a boy steps in front of me, blocking my path, while another grabs my wrist. "Hey, let me go!" I shout angrily. "You need to do what we say, girl," a boy says threateningly in my ear. I startle and simultaneously get angry. "No, never! Stay away from me!" Suddenly, I feel that strange sensation coursing through my entire body again. The boys are somehow knocked over, as if a hurricane has swept through, but I haven't felt any wind myself. I collapse to the ground from exhaustion, but I don't faint. I look around. The boys are groaning on the ground, staring at me in disbelief. I try to get up again, which fortunately works. Okay, there's definitely something strange going on here. I start running away just to be safe, feeling the boys' stares on me, but where should I go now? No one will believe me if I tell them this.After a while, I find myself walking through the city again. I'd better head home. It should be safe there, right?I open the door and step into the living room. "Hi mom, I'm back!" I try to act as if nothing happened. "Good afternoon, Shana-chan, had a good day at school?" my mother asks. I shrug. "Yeah, fine, just like always, really." "Good." My mother nods and goes back to watching TV. I admire her. She teaches me so much. I'm glad I have a good mother. Suddenly, her eyes start glowing red. I startle and keep an eye on her. She turns her head towards me, stands up, and walks towards me in a creepy and threatening manner. I cautiously step back. "Um, mom? Are you okay?" She remains silent and gets closer and closer. Okay, what do I do now? This is really strange. How can this happen all of a sudden? I soon find myself leaning against the cabinet. "Mom? Are you alright?" Suddenly, she walks in the other direction. She opens a kitchen drawer and takes out a knife. She walks back towards me menacingly. I gasp. "Mom? You're not going to..."


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