Chapter 5 - What Do You Want?

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"Dr. Wilson what are you doing here" giving him a suspicious look.  

Was he sent by Randy to follow me and take me to him? 

Don't get carried away Eve!
At the same time she wanted to know why is he here and not at his hospital?

"Well it’s nice to see you too Eve. I see your doing extremely well since we last spoke" he said referring back to her incident.

"Yes I am but you haven’t answered my question Dr. Wilson" she said leaning against the desk raising my eyebrow.

"Actually I work here now" he said a matter-of-factly.

"Oh so you’re the new guy everyone keeps talking about" she looked up him raising her eyebrow.

"Well I don't know about all that he said" running his hand through his hair.

He seemed nervous. How cute? Woah not cute wait I don't mean that. Do I?

I let out a little chuckle "it's okay to be the talk of the staff".

"I'll try to adjust but I didn't know you work here heck I didn't know you was a nurse".

"Yeah I mean it’s not something you tell your doctor you know."

He laughed "you right".

God his laugh was so uplifting. He constantly was running his fingers through his hair which only meant he was nervous. Which actually looked very fluffy and bouncey? His white coat was nice and fitted on his broad shoulders and flowed nicely on the rest of his body. He looked very professional I mean he obviously is but he looked different then the last time I saw him. His navy blue shirt was slightly fitted around his chest and was loose around his lower area. His matching slacks was hanging lowly around his waist with a black belt around his waist and matching black shoes. He honestly looked expensive but then again of course he is a doctor and they probably paid him extra because technically we stole him.

"Well um Dr. Wilson why are you working here. I'm pretty sure last time I checked you worked somewhere else".

"You're right but I don't think you know I am one of the top doctors in New York City and this hospital has wanted me to work here for awhile now. At first I didn't think it would be a good idea to but I thought about it and felt like I wanted a change so here I am. Plus their offer was something I couldn't refuse." he laughed at the last part. He had that all American boy smile. He seem like he really loved what he does, it's a lot like me.

"That's actually good to hear. Well welcome we are glad to have you here" I said with a sincere smile.

"Thank you Eve I am happy to be here" smiling back giving me that gorgeous smile. 

Where are you headed off to"?

"I actually was going on my lunch break".

"Well I don't want to hold you up any longer" he said starting to walk off.

"Well I’ll see you around. It was nice talking to you". 

I smiled and walked away.

I walked out the building feeling refresh but then I had this feeling rushing back to me. I definitely didn't feel it before. I was back to being worried and looking over my shoulder. I do know I wasn't thinking about that before when I was talking to Dr. Wilson.

I walked into McDonald to find Tati was seating down in a booth with some random guy. Something I'm not surprise about. He probably paid for the damn meal just to talk to her. Men can be very ... what's that word? Thirsty! Yes thirsty. When I got to the table I was very much in shock to see Detective Warner seating next to Tati. Tati was smiling, showing all thirty-two teeth but she’s about to lose all of them if she don't explain herself.

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