Chapter 3 - In the Mind Of Randy

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It’s been a long stressful week. I haven't heard from Eve in a while. I thought she would be home by now from the hospital. She is probably with that nigga she has been cheating with me for awhile. This is why I beat the shit out of her because she doesn’t see that I'm the best for her. I always have been nothing but faithful to Eve until my best friend started telling she would see Eve coming work with some nigga I lost it. I tried my hardest to control my temper but that night I lost it. I apologize to her and I even promise her and myself I wouldn’t lay a hand on her again but it seem like she did everything wrong and to top it all of my best friend and my secret lover was "pregnant" with my child. How the hell am I suppose to handle that shit. I told her to get rid of the thing but she wanted to keep it. Whatever I don’t care. I unlock the door to my apartment and made my way in, it seems empty but I didn't know why. Maybe because Eve isn't here, I should pay her a visit at the hospital bring her some flowers and kiss and make up. 

I walked into the kitchen to get a beer when I see a paper on the counter. I picked up and a copy of the key to the apartment fell.

Dear Randy,

You have realized I left or will now since you are reading this letter. Randy I don't even know where to begin with you, I thought you were my soul mate the guy I could go to whenever I had a problem or just be the ear to listen to all my problems. Truthfully you were my problem I didn't even see why I hadn't left you and moved far away. You promise that you never hit me but you repeatedly did and then had the nerve to apologize. NO "sorry" isn't gonna take away all the pain you cause or the constant rapes at nights. SORRY isn't gonna remove the bruises and scars you left me. 

Well I am out the hospital not that you would care but that night before you knocked me out again I was going to tell you I was pregnant and maybe that would bring us closer. But because you punch and due to all the stress on me I lost the child, it’s not like I wanted it anyways. It was conceived through a night of rape! I mean it's not like I don't know you have a baby on the way by your so called "best friend". I knew you both have been messing around but I was too scared to leave. After this day and for the rest of my life I don’t care anymore I am done Randy. I hate you with everything in me. I hate the person you turned me into, I hate that I have a fear of men that I have to keep my guard up all the damn time. I don't think I'll give anybody my heart because of the damage you did to my heart and body is indescribable. But I would also like to thank you because I am stronger than I was before. I hope your happy well for now at least. Farewell Randy and good luck with trying to stay in your child's life.

Sincerely Eve

What does this woman mean by good luck with trying to stay in your child's life? I run to the room and see the closet is empty all her clothes, shoes, jewelry gone. I sit on the bed rereading the letter over again. She really is gone. Then I hear a knock on the door...

"Mr. Turner this is the police I would like to come and ask you a few questions"....

Yes short I know but Randy didn't need much more than a page but he  is heartless as hell. The fact he is sleeping with his “bestfriend” and then has the nerve to tell her to abort the baby like what is really good with his mind? Anyways keep reading and the next update will be when I get 10 comments and 5 votes thanks guys

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