"Reagan?" Arden spoke.

"I got it," Reagan growled as he stopped struggling.

No! Sahara realized what they were up to. There's way too many!

"There's one thing my father always said when he was still alive," Arden spoke.

"A daddy's boy." Jay grinned.

"Never start a fight you know you can't win."

"A wise man," Rick told him.

A dangerous smile spread across Arden's face. "He also said, son if he started it then screw it all. Go all out." No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he leaped into action. He was upon the guys holding his brother and pulled one off. Punching him, he sent him toppling while Reagan turned on the remaining guy.

Stop! Sahara screamed in her mind.

"Oh...so he can put up a fight," Jay said lazily as he crouched down. He ran the blade across his wrist. "Interesting."

"Get them," Rick told the guys behind him.

Sahara watched in horror as they poured forward towards the twins. Reagan and Arden found themselves standing back to back.

"You sure about this, bro?" Reagan asked Arden.

"Nope," Arden replied as he lifted his fists.

A grin spread across Reagan's face. "Might as well go out swinging then. What do you say?"

The guys had formed a circle around them.

"First one to get six of them wins," Arden replied.

"Sounds good to me."

The twins sprang into action at the same time as the guys. Sahara watched as punches and kicks were thrown in the next few moments. Arden and Reagan worked back to back, taking care of anyone that came close. However, they didn't last long as they were overpowered by numbers. Sahara could do nothing but watch in horror as the twins ended up on the ground and were getting kicked and punched over and over again.

The guy holding her loosened his grip while watching. Sahara took the moment to struggle hard. She twisted free, turned around and kicked the guy right between the legs. When he crouched over in pain she turned towards Rick.

"Stop it!" she screamed. She thought she saw Reagan cough up blood. "You're going to kill them!"

The guy behind her recovered and grabbed a hold of her. Rick didn't pay her any attention.

"Cowards!" Sahara yelled as she didn't stop struggling. "You're all cowards!"

That got their attention. Rick raised his hand and the beatings stopped. He turned to Sahara with a raised eyebrow.

"Attacking just two guys with over ten of your own," Sahara glared at Rick, "You should be ashamed to call yourself a man!" Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Jay move.

He got to his feet and walked towards her, blade still in his hands.

"You got something to say, honey?" he asked.

Sahara ignored him, her anger blocking out her fear momentarily. "What kind of a leader are you?" she asked Rick. "Not protecting your own crew?"

"What would you know?"

"Arden and Reagan trusted you; you were supposed to protect them!" Sahara struggled free from the guy holding her. She made no move to run but turned her eyes to find the twins watching her. "It was your job as a leader to keep them safe."

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