Part II : Chapter XXIII

Start from the beginning

                   “In case its unclear. If you try to escape, if you so much as scratch that glass,” Director Fury said as he messed with the complex control panel that was the key to working the entire room. The ground beneath the glass cage spiraled open, and Loki peered over curiously to see. “It’s 30,000 feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?” Fury asked as he pulled down one of the levers from the control panel, and the floor beneath Loki closed in once again.

                      “Ant.” Fury points to Loki. “Boot.” Fury points towards the control panel.

                For a moment, Loki remained silent but he broke it as he burst into laughter. He took steps back, his arms outstretched, motioning the glass cage.“It’s an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me.”

                  “Built for something a lot stronger than you.”

              “Oh, I’ve heard.” Loki smiled. Loki's attention then went to one of the cameras, knowing that we were all hearing and watching. He stared straight into it and I could see his eyes light up mischievously. “A mindless beast. Makes play he’s still a man.”

             Natasha glanced up at Bruce warily only to see him scoff.

           “How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?” Loki questioned.

          I frowned. This is not the same Loki I spoke to an hour ago. With others, he was heartless and cold but with me, he was different. He was still rash and rude to me but it wasn't at a great extent as it is now. I glimpsed at Thor to see that his arms were crossed against his chest, his expression unreadable. I stood still, not wanting to move because I didn't want to miss anything.

        “How desperate am I?”Fury retorted incredulously. “You threaten my world with war, you steal a force you can’t hope to control, you talk about peace and you kill because it’s fun. You’ve made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did.”

         I watched over Natasha's shoulder as Loki's face twisted into a wicked grin. He leaned in as close as he could without hitting the glass towards Fury. "Oooh, it burns you to have come so close."

         The guilt flooded in, drowning me in my own sorrow. I knew about his plans yet I stood here, pretending like I didn't know a single thing. Was I doing the right thing in holding back?

       "To have the tesseract, to have power, unlimited power, and for what?” Loki added, turning his attention back into the camera. His eyes met mine through the screen,burning into me as if he was in the same room and standing right in front of me. I froze. “A warm light for all mankind to share and then to be reminded what real power is.” 

       “Well, let me know if ‘real power’ wants a magazine or something.” Fury muttered, leaving the room.

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