Chapter One

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     Ivan laughed, looking down at Feliks. The representation of Poland was kneeling in bloodied snow of the battlefield, defeated. He gave Feliks a swift and strong kick to the ribs, knocking him over. Feliks flinched as he fell, the looked up with his bloodied and bruised face. His eyes looked pleadingly up at Toris. Though his face showed no emotion, Toris's eyes were filled with sadness. Raivis looked at Eduard, then whispered something to the taller Baltic. Eduard nodded sadly.

     "What? Not bragging anymore?" Ivan taunted Feliks, "You know, the offer to join me is still open."

     Feliks looked up and smiled weakly.

     "Go eat shit," He said, then lowered his head, breathing heavily, as if holding his head up and talking took to much of his fading strength. Ivan glared and then smiled.

     "Your choice. It's time to end this. And you," Ivan replied, then turned to the Baltics, holding out a pistol, offering it, "Which of you would like the honor?"

     Toris felt a chill run down his spine. Each nerve itched to run up to Feliks and help him. But he suppressed the urge, knowing if he did that, Ivan would put him through hell and back. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Ivan's voice.

     "Toris, why don't you end him~"

     Ivan smiled cruelly, setting the pistol into Toris's shaking hand and backing up with Raivis and Eduard. Toris stepped forward and shakily put it to Feliks head. He looked up and smiled weakly.

     "H-hey Liet...

     "Hi Feliks... No hard feelings... Okay?"

     "Y-yeah, we all know how it is as nations..." Feliks said.

     A tear slid down Toris's cheek, followed by many more, streaking the dust and dirt on his face. He shook, his finger inching slowly towards the trigger

     "Hurry up, I'm getting impatient," Ivan said. Toris clenched his teeth, his finger was on the trigger now and he was still shaking.

     "Toris! I said shoot him! Now!" Ivan ordered. Toris stopped for a moment, his free hand clenched into a fist at his side.

     "N-no..." He muttered. Ivan was taken aback by this, unsure if he had heard correctly.

     "What was that Toris?"

     "I said NO!" He yelled, whipping around, the gun aimed straight at Ivan's angered and surprised face.

     "T-toris? W-what... what are you doing?" Feliks asked weakly, looking up, streaks in the blood on his face from tears. Toris looked back at Feliks and smiled, but then looked back to Ivan, face serious.

     "I would think very carefully about your next decision if I were you," Ivan growled. Toris noticed Ivan reaching towards his own gun, and he reacted on instinct. He shot. The bullet only grazed Ivan's cheek, leaving a scratch. Noticing Ivan would be even angrier, Toris tried again. The gun was empty. Raivis and Eduard gasped and backed up fearfully. Ivan wiped away the blood dripping down his cheek, he stopped reaching for his gun, and instead began reaching for his sword.

     "Okay then. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get," He said, the started charging towards Toris, who drew his own sword to block the oncoming attack just in time. Soon the two were locked in battle. Their swords clanged and Toris's heart raced. But at the same time, he felt amazing. For years, he had dealt with being pushed around be Ivan. All of the pain and the scars Ivan had caused. Toris had to watch as Ivan hurt Feliks in the raging war they had been locked in for so long. He had always longed to help the one he cared for so much, but had never had the strength. Until now. All of his anger and courage boiled up to the surface in then moment, and as he breathed heavily, he secretly enjoyed it.

     Suddenly, Ivan knocked the sword out of Toris's hand and pressed his own to his throat.

     "Looks like it's the end for you too," He said.

Just Like Old Times ~LietPol~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora