Chapter Four

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"Now come along and we can get you some clean clothes and food," The woman insisted and Feliks could only nod in response. On the way to the inn, Toris asked what was going on.

"Liet, the war is over now! When you helped me, Ivan surrendered earlier today!" Feliks practically cheered. The woman then chirp in that she did speak English and that Toris could have just asked and she would have spoke in it.

"O-oh! I never really thought of that to be  honest," Toris shrugged as the woman led them to a room in the inn. She disappeared for a second and returned with some clean clothes. Soon both men were in more comfortable clothing, they decided to go celebrate.

They got back to the inn late at night, and needless to say, They both had drank a bit much, Feliks more than Toris though. Toris helped the very drunk Feliks make his way up the stairs. Feliks was muttering random stuff in what seemed like a strange mix of Lithuanian, Polish, Russian and maybe a few other languages. Either way, it made no sense to Toris, who's mind was a bit muddled from the alcohol he had drank earlier, but he could withstand much more than Feliks could, so when Feliks had challenged him to a drinking contest, it probably wasn't the best choice.

Toris helped Feliks to the bed they had to share due to limited space in the inn.

"You know Toris," Feliks said in a very drunken tone, "You're very handsome."

He's drunk... He doesn't know what he's saying. Toris told himself, as he closed the room's window since it was a cold night, but yet was unable to hide the red tint that dusted his cheeks.

"And brave, and strong, and kind..." Feliks' sentence faded off into a yawn. Toris turned around and was about to speak but stopped. Feliks was out like a light. Toris sighed and crawled in bed, covering them both up.

That night was the night. The night when Toris finally accepted the feeling that had haunted him for so long. One he was never had been able to accept until then. Toris was in love. In love with his best friend.

"Goodnight Feliks."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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