Chapter 25.2 - The search

Start from the beginning

Kyle stood and walked towards the river, his eyes fixed on the setting sun. He tried desperately to keep his mind off Kay. Jessie was right. Panicking was useless. Yet, he couldn't help it.

White spots danced in front of his eyes, and he knew he should look away from the sun. Especially since one of the spots was getting bigger and seemed to be coming towards him. The closer it got, the more it looked like Kay. He shook his head, but as soon as her scent filled the air around him, he realized it was really her.

Tears glazed her beautiful eyes as she rammed into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He stood stupefied, wondering if he was hallucinating.

"I'm so sorry," Kay moaned into his chest.

Kyle wrapped his arms around her and hoisted her off the ground. "I was so worried. Where were you?"

"I wondered off a little too far." Kay sobbed, looking at him. "I shouldn't have done it." She stared at the ground. "I ran into a bunch of Snitch Gravel's men and they took me away."

Kyle held her at arm's length. "What?"

"They were a rather stupid bunch, so before we got too far, I snatched one of their maps and got away." Kay still stared away from him. "It took me a while to find my way to camp, but here I am."

Kyle frowned. The fact that she avoided looking at him and the strange, hesitant tone of her voice signaled she was lying.

"That doesn't matter." Kay looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't want to fight anymore. I was stupid not to believe you in the first place. Please hold me. I'm breaking down."

He wrapped his arms around her again and let her sob against his shoulder. She wasn't lying about being sorry. And the relief he felt holding her, knowing she was safe, beat every other emotion and suspicion out of the way.

"Sweetheart, don't ever run off again." He took her face in his hands.

Kay pressed her lips against his. "I won't. I feel horrible. We deserve to be happy. We deserve a little break."

"What do you mean?" He ached to pull her closer and kiss her properly, but her tone was off again.

"While searching for camp, I found this really nice region. How about we get away for a day or two? Spend time together."

Kyle let her go and shook his head rapidly to make sure he'd heard right. "Kay, we're not here on vacation. Besides, Jimmy, Jessie and I—"

Kay put her finger on his lips. "Please. For me? They can handle themselves for a few days. I'll run ahead and get everything ready and you can come tomorrow."

Kyle scowled. This was certainly not right. "We're not going anywhere. What's going on?" He narrowed his eyes. "What really happened while you were gone?"

"Here's what I get for wanting to spend a few days with my boyfriend." Kay rolled her eyes. "Why are you suspicious? What could've happened? I got lost and scared and really missed you."

"I don't know what got into you—" Kyle didn't get to finish the sentence. Kay put her hands on his face and pulled him into a kiss. For a fraction of a second, he considered pulling away, but he'd missed her too much to do it. Passion won over reason and he pulled her against him, kissing her back, savoring her presence.

"This is how it's gonna be," Kay whispered, pulling away. "Don't you want two days of this?"

"I want a lifetime of this, but you're still not going anywhere." He pulled her back and kissed her again, enjoying the rushing sensation. Which each second he felt lighter, happier.

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