Chapter 8: Finding the Darach

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"Get away from her!" Emma tries to say strongly. "If you so much as touch one hair on her head, I swear to God I will--"

"You'll what? Kill me?" Jennifer laughs. Emma gets so upset that she starts to struggle against the binds but she screams in pain. "They're soaked in wolfsbane. Don't even try." The teacher sneers before turning back to Lydia. "Lydia, you're not a sacrifice. You're just a girl who knows too much. Actually, a girl who knew too much." Lydia's hands fly up as Emma struggles, despite the pain. Lydia's hands keep the garrote from digging into her neck and Jennifer notices. "Lydia, don't!"

At the recital, Scott and Stiles noticed the absence of the two girls. Suddenly, Scott doubles over as he hears an ear-splitting scream and the ground shaking beneath him. "Scott?" Stiles asks, concerned about his friend's pain. The human can't hear the scream but can defiantly feel the earth moving. 

"Unbelievable." Jennifer says as Lydia ends her scream. Lydia's hands drop, she is too tired to keep it them up. "You have no idea what you are, do you? The wailing woman. A banshee, right before my eyes. You're just like me, Lydia. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. It's too bad, though... And too late." Jennifer moves behind Lydia again and Emma screams for her to stop.

"Jennifer!! Please don't do this!" She screams, fighting off the tears from pain. Jennifer duck tapes Lydia's hands to the chair, but they suddenly catch on fire. Jennifer is quick to put out the sudden flame. The teacher looks at the brunette with wide eyes. 

"How the hell did you do that?" The Darach whispers in shock. 

"Please don't hurt her." Emma pleads, tears falling down her face. "T-Take me instead! Just-just leave her alone!" Jennifer's lips curl into a sneer. 

"Gladly." Within seconds, Jennifer is behind Emma, with the garrote around the brunette's neck. The teacher twists the weapon as Lydia whimpers helplessly for her to stop. Emma starts to choke, but tries to stay strong for Lydia. "One last philosopher." Jennifer says, bringing out a knife and holding it against the girl's neck. 

"Drop it!" A voice yells out. There, in the corner of the room, was Sheriff Stilinski with his gun trained on Jennifer. Jennifer grins before throwing the knife into the sheriff's shoulder, making him drop the gun. 

With the garrote still around her neck, Emma's vision starts to blur, but she is brought back to reality by a roar. In the corner of the room is a shifted Scott, eyes looking at Jennifer with a murderous glare.

He runs at the Darach only to be pushed into the wall of chairs. The pressure on Emma's neck is lifted and she intakes a gulp of air. Scott falls to the ground, letting out a puff of blood. As his head hits the ground, he falls unconscious. 

Stiles walks up to the door, but Jennifer slides a desk over, blocking his path. The sheriff picks up his gun and points it to an advancing Jennifer Blake. "There was a girl. Years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you, wasn't it?"

"Maybe I should have started with philosophers. With knowledge and strategy." She takes another step forward and the sheriff shoots a bullet in her leg. He watches as it heals. 

Emma looks at Scott worriedly and decides to chance it. "Scott?" She asks quietly, her voice cracking. "Scott, please wake up." She pleads.

"Healers..." Jennifer continues as Emma keeps calling for Scott. Jennifer grabs the knife and picks the sheriff up, pushing him into the chairs. "Warriors..." She grabs the sheriff's badge. "Guardians..." She crushes the badge in front of the sheriff and lets it fall to the ground. "Virgins." She whispers before kissing the sheriff.

During the kiss, Jennifer let down her illusion. What the sheriff was faced with was a scratched and scared Darach. Emma screams hoarsely as the Darach slams the sheriff through the window, taking him away. 

Scott finally wakes up as Stiles runs in the room. They both stare at the broken window. "Dad?" Stiles asks, his voice breaking at the loss of his last family member. 

Scott snaps out of his trance and runs towards Emma. "Scott, don't!" She yells, but she's too late. His hands reel back as he touches the wolfsbane covered ropes. "They're soaked in wolfsbane." She chokes out. Scott's worried eyes reach her puffy ones. His eyes then find the mark on her neck from the garrote. His eyes cloud in anger but Stiles brings him back when the boy unties Emma before checking on Lydia. 

Emma literally falls into Scott's arms, too weak to do anything else. His arms wrap around her shaking figure as she nuzzles her face into his neck. "I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you left and--" Scot starts to say but is stopped by Emma.

"It's not your fault. I should've told you." Emma says softly, still shaking profusely.

"I'll kill her." Scott growls.

"No, it's ok. I'm ok." Emma says, resting her forehead on his. "I'm alive, see? I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere, I promise." Emma whispers before bringing him in for a gentle kiss. "We need to tell Derek."

"And get Lydia to a hospital." Stiles speaks up, holding a very woozy Lydia. 

"What about you?" Scott asks Emma worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." Emma says, before standing up with the help of Scott. "Lets go tell Derek."

Sorry this one is short. I'm thinking of changing perspective to third person, but not sure. Hope you liked!!!

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