Chapter 8: Finding the Darach

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Scott and Emma arrive at the school, waiting for the recital. After the amazing date, Emma never wanted to let go. However, Allison and Isaac called with alarming news. "It's not guardians. It's philosophers as in teachers." Scott relays the information to Emma and Stiles (via phone). "Allison and her father just found Mr. Westover."

"That makes sense. Tara, she wasn't always a cop. She used to teach middle school." Stiles says.

"Then the last one's gonna be another teacher." Emma says. 

"Yeah, but there's dozens of them, Emma, and they're all headed home."

"No, no, they're not." Scott says, turning towards the school. 

"They're all going to the recital." Emma groans, knowing this is going to turn bad really quickly.

Scott hangs up and the couple walks into the recital and looks around. Suddenly, someone bumps into Emma. "Oh, I'm sorry." Emma says quickly before realizing who she bumped into. "I thought you were going home."

"I can't." Lydia sighs. "I don't know why I'm the one that keeps finding the bodies, but maybe if I just stopped trying to fight it, I'd find them before it happens, maybe with enough time for someone like you guys to do something about it."

"You get me the time and I'll do something about it. I swear to God, I will." Scott adds seriously.

Emma's hand slips into Scott's and Lydia's. She gives Lydia a reassuring squeeze before the strawberry blonde detaches from the brunette. 

The orchestra starts to play and Lydia's phone buzzes. She looks down to see a text from Aiden telling her to meet him in the school. Life or death situation. She sighs and Emma takes a peak at the text. "It better be." Lydia whispers before Emma grabs her arm. "What?"

"I'm going with you." Emma whispers.

"It's ok, really."

"No, I'm coming with you." Emma insists. Lydia groans and allows the girl to follow her. Scott barely notices Emma leaving, he is so focused on the music. 

Lydia and Emma slowly enter the dark school. Lydia goes straight for the closest class room and walks inside. Emma follows but sees no one. "Lydia, I don't feel good about this. We should go." Emma says nervously, looking around. 

Suddenly, Lydia and Emma turn towards the door as a chanting becomes heard. "You recognize it, don't you?" The girls' heads turn towards the voice of Ms. Blake, the english teacher. 

Emma quickly notices the bat in the teachers hand, but is too slow to stop her from waking Lydia and Emma's heads with the object, effectively knocking them out. 


Emma and Lydia slowly wake up, the throbbing in their heads growing. Emma's hands are ties down while Lydia's hands are free. "What are you doing?" The strawberry blonde asks quietly, watching Ms. Jennifer Blake tying a garrote. 

"What's necessary. I'm still surprised none of you seem to get that." Jennifer says. "You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word. You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word. It's derived from the Latin sacrificium, an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil."

"Stop." Lydia whispers.

"Oh, I wish I could. But you don't know the alphas like I do."

"Please, stop." Lydia asks again as Jennifer moves behind the weak girl. 

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