"Oh please, there is always a great evil coming, when it comes to this family, but you haven't been around us long enough to know that, after all you were just some easy lay" I explained making the girl glare at me, I glared back my expression becoming cold, making her flinch, I smirked in victory before turning away from her.

"Now if you'll all excuse me, I have a hair appointment with Nadia and Kat" I said going to walk away.

"Witches are declaring war and you're going to get your hair done" Nik snapped.

"Have you got a problem with that" I asked through narrowed eyes.

"Here we go" Marcel sighed.

"Yes as matter fact I do, you're family is in danger and your walking away" Nik shouted becoming angry making the veins in his neck pop out.

"Family huh now that's a joke" I laughed.

"What's that suppose to mean Thyra?" Nik seethed.

"It mean's that I don't care Nik ... I don't care about you, about that wolf slut, or about your unborn child, there are only two people in this room I care about, one is my son and the other is my niece, as far as I'm concerned the rest of you can go to hell, obviously none of you care about me or how I feel ,so why should I give a crap about any of you" I sneered.

"Thyra..." Rebekah tried.

"No Rebekah, you, Elijah and Nik made your choice, so unless my Marcellus is in danger, I don't wanna know," I shrugged.

"Anyway the only reason I'm still in New Orleans, is because I now know, my son is alive and well, if putting up with my so called family and miss one night stand over there is what I have to do to spend time with my boy, then I'll do it, that doesn't mean I'll put my life on the line for any of you" I explained.

"Now Marcellus, as soon as you find out who the rest of these dead witches are call me and I'll help you get Davina back, by removing a few spines, okay" I smiled to my son.

"Sure thing Mom" he laughed, I then motioned for Katerina, we started to walked out of the compound only for Nik's voice to stop me.

"Please Thyra, you'll come back to me you always do" Nik laughed.

"If I wanted you then why did I screw Damon Salvatore when I went to MysticFalls?"

Everything went quite when I said this, you could hear a pin drop, Elijah looked at Klaus in worry, Rebekah's jaw dropped, Katerina bit her lip to hold in her laughter, and Nik well he looked murderous.

"Lies" my ex husband bit out, as he walked closer to me.

"Actually I can vouch for it, I heard them from my death bed" Katerina piped up.

Nik didn't look at her he kept his eyes on me, I could see the hurt swimming in his blue eyes, I loved it, I loved how I could hurt him, I relished it, It was about time he felt my pain.

"You were right Bekah, Damon certainly knows his way around a woman, I should have slept with him in the seventies" I quipped.

"How could you, with him" Nik breathed his voice cracking.

"The same way you could jump into bed with the first slut who opened her legs, before my side of the bed was even cold" I smirked, then spun around and walked out of the compound, Katerina by my side.


"Another" I called to the dashing bartender.

After Kat, Nadia and I got our hair done we decided to enjoy the New Orleans night life, we were in one of the hottest nighclubs all dressed to kill literally.

The Original Mother [2]Where stories live. Discover now