Why's There a Cat? Onyx What's that?

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Okay okay so I'm going to put pictures of the characters, or what they're supposed to look like. Starting with ... Onyx! Yup. On with the story!

My P. O. V.

After the whole 'date' fiasco we got back to the mansion I went up the stairs and face planted my bed and groaned. I was tired and annoyed. "Onyx, I was wonder-" Kid started, walking in my room as I groaned again. "Are you alright?" he asked.

In all honesty I wasn't. I was beyond annoyed. Slowly, I sat up and looked at him. I was about to say something when my phone started blaring 'Heartbreak Girl' 5 Seconds of Summer from the speaker. I groaned for the millionth time that day, picked up my phone, answered yelling. "SPEAK!" As I flopped backwards onto my bed.

"Uh..... Onyx? Are you okay?" Rose asked from the other end in her timid voice.
I sighed and answered back, "Yeah... Sorry.. I'm just annoyed with life. What's up?"

Rose's voice came out shaking as she said. "Uh.... Um... Blackstar is kind of.... Um.... In my house.... Again... And I was hoping you could um.... Come get him..?"

I sighed and got up. "Alright, where do you live?"

"Stalkerish much?" Kid chuckled.

"Kid, get out..." I growled

...Time skip of awesomeness....

"GOD DAMN IT BLACKSTAR GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!!!!" I shouted from outside. At the sound of my pissed off voice he ran outside and hugged me. "THE ALMIGHTY BLACKSTAR HAS ARRIVED TO WALK YOU HOME!!!HAHAHA!!!" He yelled and started to drag me home.

I sighed and started walking at his pace. Gradually he slowed down to a slow pace and linked his arm with mine. I smiled slightly and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you," I mumbled to him softly.

"For what? I didn't do anything." Blackstar said confused, but his voice was soft, for once.

"For calming me down." I said and smiled at him. Causing him to blush.


After Blackstar dropped me off I sat on the street for a while just thinking.

Then I heard it, a soft meow.

Standing up, I followed the sound to a small ally. In the ally i saw a box, going over to said box, i found a little black fluff ball. Otherwise know as a kitten. Opening up its eyes, I saw they were a beautiful blue green. "Hey there kitty." I coed at the kitten.

The kitten meowed at me and nudged my hand, then licked my finger tips. "You're so cute, I wonder if Kid would mind you..." I said, picking up the little kitty and walking back to the Gallows Manor.

Opening up the door I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, filled it with milk and set it on the floor with the kitten. "I think I'll name you Midnight." as I said that the kitten looked up and meowed.

"Do you like that name? Midnight?" I asked the kitten in front of me. Midnight made a soft mewing noise to my inquiry.

"Lets go get you cleaned up." I softly said picking up the bowl, along with Midnight.


After cleaning up the kitten, and a little bit of my blood, I put Midnight down on my bed and laid down. Softly humming 'Rolling Girl' by Hatsune Miku.

Rolling Girl always reminded me of my life, before this whole situation had happened. And partially now. I had always been at the least slightly depressed. And I had always felt like I was abnormal. Well, maybe I was.

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