Kid's House. First Day at the Academy!

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My P. O. V.

Once we got to Kid's house, Michi and Nevah crashed. Mari said she would take care of them and took them to a spare room and crashed with them.

"Coffee?" Kid asked and I nodded. "What's your name?" Kid asked while make the coffee "My name is long. Kathriena Lunara Onyxia Raiben. You can call me which ever you want." Kid smiled "Onyxia.... You let them call you Onyx right?" i nodded. "Well, Onyx, your all welcome here whenever you want." i smiled at him and drank my coffee. I looked over at him and saw a painting hanging off center. Without a word i walked around Kid and straightened it. Kid saw this and smiled with a slight sigh "So I'm not the only one who likes symmetry." he said "Things being asymmetrical make me go slightly off kilter." he thought I didn't see it, but he was smiling into his coffee.

*my laziness is unbearable but yet another time skip*

The next day we were starting at the academy. Liz and Patti had grabbed all four of us and had us try their clothes on. Nevah ended up in a pair of skinny jeans, and a shirt with the word 'Sexy' emblazoned upon the chest. Mari was in black jeans, and a black t-shirt. Michi kept her hat, and put on a long blue and green sweater and blue jeans. I ended up in a tight black tanktop, black and white flanal, and black skinny jeans. My hair went back into its twintales. Seeing as i had put it into a braid last night after my encounter with Kid. Finally we were ready. Liz kept asking me about my tattoo and i just told her it was a family thing. She nodded. "Alright, let's go."

As Mari and I walked towards the door, "Hey, Onyx, I need to talk to you." Michi's voice stated behind me. I let the others pass as Michi stopped next to me. "There's someone here, someone who is very important for me to be near." I looked at her. What was she talking about? "There's a girl, her name is Annie, and she's part of me. Like she's the other half of my personality." She finished. "So we need to find her." Michi nodded. As we walked out of the building and towards the massive school we now were supposed to attend.
After getting to the academy steps, suddenly Nevah shouted "What the fuck is this?! Do we have to climb those?" I did exactly what i thought I should, i smacked her upside the head. "Screw you!" she shouted at me. I just 'tsk'ed and whispered "Sadistic idiot." as i ran halfway up the stairs of the school. Even though I wasn't a Mister, i could still outrun one. Nevah and I had been running sense we were really little, and i guess I can outrun just about anybody. "Onyx....." Nevah groaned and was next to me in a flash. "Finally.. Jeese taking your sweet time were you?" I teased her. "Wow Onyx! Your really fast!" Michi commented. At first glance her hair was this weird blue color but once your really looked at it, you'd realize it was purple. Michi looked up the stairs and started walking. I ran past her, Nevah on my heals.

Nevah and I got up the stairs before the rest and leaned against the wall of the building. After us was Kid, Liz and Patti, next was Mari and finally Michi last, panting like she was dying. "But you're a Mister for crying out loud! That should be easy!" Mari yelled. I sat down watching the happenings in front of me. "YAHOO!!!" I started at the sound of yelling, I looked over and saw the blue haired star clan member, Blackstar...

Shit not this idiot i thought shaking my head in frustration. Nevah was eyeing me worriedly. "Hey Blackstar!" Kid said nodding to the the idiot with the black star tattoo on his shoulder. "Hey Kid! Woah, who are they?!?" Blackstar shouted pointing at me, Nevah, and Michi. Blackstar is eyeing me suspiciously. "Blackstar, this is Michi, Nevah, and Onyx. And we already know Mari." i didn't care enough to hear an explanation for this so I just sighed and got up, ignoring the Star Clan idiot who was trying desperately to get my attention.
Nevah's P.O.V.

This Blackstar idiot keeps trying to get my sister's attention. Wasn't that the one she always called an idiot? A black haired girl who i assumed to be his weapon Tsubaki, was trying to calm him down. Michi drug me from them and went down the hall after Onyx.... Oh Onyx, why are you such a hard headed raging idiot all the time?

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