Chapter 6

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Once inside I run to my bedroom as quick as possible took out my laptop and fell down with it on my bed. 'So let's see who this group BTS is' I thought to myself and opened the internet explorer. I had no idea where to start, all I knew was that they made music.

I had heard some kpop before because of my friends... but who are BTS...

I didn't have to make a big effort to find stuff about them, apparently they were a really famous group at the moment.

At that same moment I received a text message from Jimin. The message didn't contain much text though, he asked me where I wanted to meet him tomorrow. So I texted him back where to meet him and told him I was looking forward seeing him again. After I sent the message I was kind of shamed by my own message showing this soft side of myself to him.

I decided to investigate some more about them and opened YouTube and searched for their music on there. The first thing I found was a song called I Need U. I was guessing that it was one of their newest videos, because the Music Video was released quite recently.

I was amazed by the song and the Music Video, it was not what I expected at all. But it was so much better than I thought. The song made me fangirl from the inside a bit, which was strange because this had never happened to me with kpop before. I was even able to point out Jimin in the video with his gorgeous hair, soft thick lips and his breath taking look.

It was a little bit harder for me to not mix up the others though, some of them look-a-like a lot in my opinion.

I did not blame myself for not being able to see the difference between them that well. This kpop thing was pretty new for me and I never showed interest in it before, so how would you expect me to see the differences that well. That thought went through my mind for a moment as if I had to defence myself. Of course I felt guilty, but it would be even more strange if I would stalk them too much for now.

Tomorrow I would see Jimin again and he would explain me what was going on. And with that thought in mind I closed my laptop and just stared at the roof of my bedroom a bit. I slowly started to dream away about Jimin and things that could possibly happen tomorrow. He was a famous artist and had asked me out first, but why me?


A voice suddenly yelled from downstairs; it was my roommate Kay. I looked at the clock and saw that it was pretty late already. I had been daydreaming for a long time... "YES... YES I AM UPSTAIRS" I yelled back. I remembered that the neighbours could have heard me, it wouldn't be the first time if they came complaining about us being too loud.

I walked downstairs towards the kitchen and saw Kay there "Hey, I thought you might be hungry so I bought some extra fries". "Oh hell yeah... Thank you. I totally forgot I still had to make food" I replied and took place on the kitchen table.

Kay laughed at me while we both ate till we were fully stuffed. "I think I should take a shower and sleep early" I said out loud, which was kind of unnecessary. "Then do so" Kay replied with a blank expression on his face, still eating his food.

I cleaned my plate and headed upstairs towards the shower. I felt a bit strange, I was excited to see Jimin tomorrow again, but at the same time I was also a bit scared that I would not be good enough or not be interesting enough for him. And what if he doesn't like the fact that I found out who he really is? I could come up with so many reasons why he would not like me or why he would decide to cut the contact with me.

At that moment I received a text message from Jimin "I'm sorry for the late reply, I'll explain why I replied so late tomorrow and that is okay with me, I see you there! I am looking forward seeing you as well *Smile emoticon* Have a good night dear xoxo" was what his text messages said.

I finished showering as quick as possible and went straight to bed. I read his text message once again 'Everything should be fine tomorrow' I thought to calm myself down and fell asleep with that thought in mind.

Jimin OI *smirk*Where stories live. Discover now