Chapter 1

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Finally, it's the day I'm going to see Sleeping With Sirens live. I'm not that big of a fan, but their music is amazing and when I start listening I can't stop. I've been anticipating this day for a long time and you did find me in line at the early hours of the day to be as close to the stage as possible.

I was alone because none of my friends liked the kind of music I liked. All they listened to was the weird Korean music. I can't explain why they like it but the point is, I was here on my own but I still am planning to have the best time ever.

When the doors of the venue finally opened and I started walking in. While I was walking I saw this guy. He was short. I now I am not tall with my 1,70 but he wasn't much taller than me. He had an awesome orange toned hair colour and was really cute. I just walked past him and he smirked a little because he noticed me staring at him. I didn't know what it was but he seemed familiar to me. Maybe it was because he was Korean and my friends always show me pictures of kpop bands. I don't understand why because I can't see the difference between them, they all look so similar. That's probably the reason why he looks so familiar.

When I got in the music hall I started talking to some people whom I saw in line as well. After a short thirty minutes Sleeping With Sirens came up and everyone including me started screaming. They played a few songs and I was really into the vibe of the concert that I didn't notice the cute guy from earlier standing next to me.

He smiled at me and we sang along to Kick Me and all the other songs they played after that. When the concert was over I started walking outside, but just before I left the venue someone grabbed my wrist. I looked next to me and saw the guy with the awesome orange hair. "Hey," he said with a smirk plastered on his face. "I saw you staring at me earlier and we stood next to each other, care to go for a drink with me?"

I started laughing. "Dude, I don't even know you and you think I'm going out for drink with you? Funny."

"That's the reason why I asked. To get to know each other. I thought you looked pretty and I know we like the same music so why not." He said smiling. "Give me a chance, if you think I'm boring you can just say so and leave. But I promise you, we are going to have great time."

"Alright." I said and walking outside the venue, and him walking after me. "My name is Jace by the way, short for Jacelyn."

"I'm Jimin." He said walking next to me and leading me to the place where we're going.  

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