Nightmares and Sweets

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In (Y/n)'s Dream:

'Is there no end to this forest!?' was all (Y/n)could think as she ran through the dark forest at night. She heard footsteps behind her and collaboration of how to trap her. She eventually reached the end of the forest, only to see a cliff with a river down below. She was about to dash to the right only to notice that she had already been surrounded. "Huh does this monster not know how to fly?" one of the figures said. Soon they emerged from the darkness, it was her class mates. "That's odd since the Daughter of Satan should be able to use her blue flames to fly like the monster she is" was all Shima said.  She shook her head furiously in denial as tears blinded her vision slightly. "I'm not a monster! I'm just like all of you!" (Y/n) cried out before looking back again. 'Jump' was all she could think. She could definitely survive the fall. As she went for the jump, she realized she couldn't move. She looked over to see Suguro chanting a verse of Paralysis. She was about to open her mouth but was suddenly stopped buy a sharp and warm sensation that filled her chest. She looked down to see she had been shot square in the chest, and the blood soon saw her blood pouring out of the wound like a river. Her vision was beginning to blur. "Yuki..." was all she managed to say before falling off the cliff. The last thing she saw before hitting the river was Suguro's causal smug grin plastered onto his face at the edge of the cliff.

(Y/n)'s POV

I shot up from the bed instantly, panting and clenching my chest. Beads of sweat were rolling down my face as I looked down and noticed the wound was not there. I sighed in relief and looked over to the side and remembered I was not in my room. Shima had fallen asleep also, it was night time still when I looked over to a window. "Finally your awake" suddenly came from someone who happened to be sitting at the edge of the bed. It was Suguro... I must have fallen asleep in his bed. "Oh, sorry about falling asleep in your bed, just got comfortable on it while Shima was talking to me" I said with a hint of sleepiness. "It's fine, why are you even in the boys dormitories?"  he asked, cocking a brow up. "There were no rooms in the female dorms so Mephy decided to place me in an extra room that happened to be open in the male dorms." I stated. "...But all the dorms are full how could that even work." He stated confused for once. My eyes slowly began to narrow at what had hit me. "He made the room himself. That would probably explain it." I muttered under my breath. I sighed before getting up and stretching. My shirt had pulled up slightly revealing my stomach a bit, not that I cared. I noticed Suguro was glanced over when it happened but looked away as I looked down at him. "Well Suguro I will be on my way, I have to go study." I stated before approaching the door. He grunted in response before I left. The halls were empty and silent. All I can hear are my footsteps... creepy. Since it was night, I assume its time to go to bed, way to late to study at this point. I was fine with this, until my stomach growled. I sighed and decided to go to the kitchen. 'Something small and easy to cook...' i thought repetitively. That's when I decided to check the cabinet for a possible can of fruit. Thankfully there was one. I didn't even need to go find a can opener! I grabbed a spork and began to munch away at the fruit and headed back to my room. I opened my door and allowed the sweet scent of vanilla engulf me. I closed my eyes and inhaled then exhaled in delight. The delight in my tone suddenly vanished as I noticed someone crouched down in my window sill. I recognize that green spike anywhere! "Amaimon? what brings you to my dorm?" I question him. He looked over to me with the same poker face he wore everyday. "I got bored and brother is asleep, so I came here" he said as he walked over to me and looked at the can in my hand. "That's not candy, where is it?" he questioned as I looked at him confused. "I-I don't have candy, I could probably go buy you some if any store-" "There should be a store open in the city" He interrupted me. I stared at him before sighing and sitting down. "But, at the same time you must realize I have no money at all" I replied in hope he doesn't make me go to the store late this late. He soon had me groaning as he held out 5000¥ yen out. "I will go on one condition" I stated in dread. He cocked his head to the side slightly before I responded. "You must go with me, hide if you need to so you won't get spotted and I'll buy you all the candy you want" I sighed out. By the time I stated this he grabbed me bridal style and hoped out the window. It felt like butterflies were rampaging in my stomach every time we went back down to the floor as he ran and leaped from building to building. (think of it as if you were on a steep rollercoaster. That weird feeling in your stomach if you get it). We were there shortly and he stood outside on the side of the building. It was dark out so nobody was around besides me and the person working the store at the time. I walked inside and heard the little bell at the top of the door ring. I walked around and looked around for some lollipops, since he seemed to enjoy those the most. I grabbed a bundle of lollipops and other little suckers to appease my sweet tooth having brother. The cashier looked at me in confusion before I put the money on the counter. "Um is that all for you?" the man questioned slightly concerned. "No this is to feed someone else" I sighed out. He seemed to still be very skeptical of the whole situation. After a while, I paid for the candy and walked out with a large heavy bag of candies. Amaimon instantly swiped the bag away and began to explore it before popping a bright green lollipop into his mouth. "There, I got you candy for you, so can you please take me back to my dorm?" I asked. he nodded and picked me up again. He dropped me off shortly and left me alone in my dorm. I sighed and decided I should take a nice warm bath to ease my mind.

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