What's with the pink limo?

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After that night, the visits from exorcists seemed to decrease day after day. Not that I was complaining, though. It's nice to get a break once in a while. The Greenmen I saved had brought me a beautiful crown made entirely of sapphire flowers. I was still stuck on what one of those humans said, though... 

"Blue flames..." I whispered to myself as I stared skyward. I had been visiting a small clearing in the forest that had a perfect view of the sky. I usually came here to vent or just clear my head. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a visit from my friend Amaimon in a while. I hope he's okay. Not that I like him or anything. It's just that he keeps it rather lively in the forest and what not. 

My mind crashed as I heard a car stopping near the forest entrance. A voice spoke from the entrance.

"Ohh (Y/n) dear!~" 

I approached the source of the sound and discovered a tall man standing in front of a... pink limo? He was in a white suit that had pink here and there with a white top hat and striped pants. 

"Ah, there you are. It's been so long, my lovely half~" he said in a sickeningly sweet tone. 

I stared at him, confused and shocked. "Okay, Mr. Suit, who are you and how do you know my name?" I questioned as I took note on him. 

He feigned a hurt expression. "Oh, poor (Y/n). How could you forget your own dear brother?" he said rather dramatically. 

I stared at him with a skeptical look on my face. "Hold on, you expect me to believe that I have a brother? Ha! That's-" 

"Well, actually, half- brother," he interrupted. 

"Right. A half-brother? That's rich," I said, my voice dripping with doubt. 

"Oh, I do assure you, we are technically related," he responded and pointed down to the dirt. "Satan is your father, correct?" he asked.

"Oh, the bastard that abandoned me with nothing but a sword? Yeah, he is..." I said a bit angrily. 

"Ah~ So we're related, then, since we do have the same father." 

I stared at him in pure shock. He then handed me a bottle of water, which I accepted. I took a sip and spat it out immediately. "WHAT THE HELL!?" was all I was able to say, as my brain was still trying to comprehend the new information. "So you're telling me I have a brother?" I said in a slightly confused tone. I took another drink before he spoke. 

"Well, actually, eight and a sister," he chimed in, causing me to choke on my water briefly. 

"That's ridiculous," I coughed out, still confused. 

"Oh, one last question," he said in a rather serious tone, which caught my attention. "Do you want to kill Satan?" 

The question caught me off guard. "More than anything in the world... " I whispered to myself, but he still heard. 

"Then enroll in True Cross Academy and become an exorcist." 

I flinched at the word 'exorcist'. "I don't slay demons, I save them from exorcists," I stated, rather irritated. 

"I'm well-aware of your morals, don't worry. We don't hunt lesser Demons like your Greenmen friends, only truly evil demons like Ghouls," he reassured me. 

How'd he know, exactly? I had to think for a moment. "Fine. I guess I'll take you up on that offer..." I said as I looked back towards the forest. 

"Ah, splendid! Well, let's be on our way then, (Y/n)." 

I followed him until I got to the door of the limo. I felt a small object holding onto my leg. It was the Greenmen I had saved. 

"(Y/n), please let me come with you. I like being around you," the Greenmen whimpered sadly. 

I stared down at the little Demon. "Suit guy-" 

"Mesphito Pheles, (Y/n)," he corrected me. 

"-Mesphito, I'll come on one condition," I said. He arched a brow at the sudden request. "Can I bring my friend with me? He's a Greenmen named Leo. Please?" I asked, putting on my best display of puppy dog eyes. 

He was silent before speaking. "Of course, (Y/n)! Anything that'll make my little sister happy!" he said with an overblown amount of joy and kindness. 

The Greenmen, now named Leo, was beaming with happiness. "Thank you, Mephy!" I said joyfully, not noticing the nickname, and jumped into the limo with Leo in my arms. 

It was a rather long drive to the academy. Mesphito talked to me about all the types of exorcists that people would become and how it was interesting that I inherited my brother Egyn's abilities but not Satan's himself. I agreed that it was odd but I didn't honestly care all that much. We did make it eventually after a decently long drive. Mesphito gave me a black and pink satchel to hide Leo in. He gave me a long tour of the academy, and showed me the separate dorms for male and female students. I was glad I didn't didn't have to share a room. He then led me to his office, where I found my friend Amaimon eating candy and playing Soul Calibur V. (My favorite game!)

 "Amaimon! So, you're still alive!" I shouted. He slowly turned around, only to get tackled by me. I looked directly into his emerald eyes as he held his poker face. "I missed you so much! Where did you disappear to? I was worried..." 

He leaned up, slightly pushed me off of him, and grabbed his Xbox remote.  "Brother called me here is all," he said in a bored tone. 

"Wait, if Mephy is your brother, then that means..." 

"Yes, we're related, (Y/n)." 

I stared at him, then noticed Mephy offering me a bottle of water. "No, no, I'm fine," I said hastily. I wonder who the last like... six are... I thought. I looked up to see Amaimon comboing someone with Viola online. (Those who have played this game will understand the pain...) 

"So, (N/n) (Nickname) here's your schedule," Mephy said, then handed me a paper with the times for my classes. "I'll walk you to your first one. Let's be on our way ~" He then walked out of the room, and I followed. Leo peeped out of the satchel and scanned the area as we walked, but popped his head back in as we approached the classroom. 

 "I'll introduce you," Mephy said as he walked in. "Hello, students. It would seem you have another student added to your classroom. Her name is (Y/n) Ok...Achoo!" he faked a sneeze. "Excuse me, I mean (Y/n) Makina," he finished, motioning for me to come into the room. I obliged. 

My heart stopped as I stepped into the room and scanned the crowd. All the exorcists from a few days ago were now my classmates. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! 

(You know the deal I shall go onwards with the edits Btw I really do hope everyone is really enjoying this )

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