My History

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Hi, my name is (Y/n) Okumura.  I grew up alone in a forest near a city. APPARENTLY some Demons have been spotted around here and there, so they've been sending a few exorcists here to destroy them. I have confronted them to buy time for my friends to escape. Yes, I believe that not all Demons are bad. I can understand a few, such as Naberius and Ghouls, but Greenmen and other rather weak demons? They are harmless and rather kind... I protect them with my life. The humans have referred to me as a "Demon Saviour" or something like that.

I've encountered quite a few groups of exorcists, but not as strange as the ones I saw earlier. Those two boys... they seemed... a little different. Oh, and they're setting up camp here with some friends. How pleasant. Don't you love sarcasm? I will keep my eye on them, though... and if I must use Shisui, I surely will in a heart beat. (So I think I'm better off making my stories a readers insert so I'm going to be redoing the whole book  kinda.)

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