“Yes, father?” She softly said, monotonously.

“Watch this girl while I go talk to the others.” The man told her, walking away. I heard the slam of a door as he left the room.

“Lumos,” Tara said, for her father had taken the light with him.

She had long brown hair that fell in soft waves around her pale face. With her brown hair came her equally as brown eyes. She just sat there, eyeballing me curiously.

“What’s your name?” She finally said after sitting in silence for a few minutes.

I took a second to think of what to tell her when I said, “Belle.”

“Oh,” Tara said, “That’s pretty.”

“Thank you,” I mumbled. It was a little awkward to be nice to your captor’s daughter.

“I’m Tara by the way. Tara Dolohov.” She suddenly blurted.

“Uh, I would say nice to meet you, but given the circumstances…” I gently said.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, I don’t get to talk to anyone else around my age besides that brat, Draco.”

“It’s okay, talking is better than sitting in silence.” I told her, chuckling weakly.

“How old are you?”

Hesitating, I said, “Seventeen.”

“Me too!” Tara said a little too excitedly.

“Oh, that’s cool…” I mumbled, not sure what to say.

“I promise I’m not like the others. I was born into it, but unlike Draco I despise being thrown into the ‘Death Eater’ category. I haven’t even gotten a mark yet!” She exclaimed.

That was actually really relieving for her to say to me. At least I can count on one person not trying to kill me.

“Thank you, Tara.” I said to her, hoping to relay my feelings through my tone.

“I’ll be honest. I’ve seen more than one person die in the cell your in now-“ my heart skipped a beat, “-but they aren’t planning on killing you… yet.” She whispered the last part.

That really didn’t make me feel any better…

“I do hope your fate is better than the others…” Tara said. Her eyes glazed over, as if she was reliving the murders of the people who were in the same position as me.

“All they want is information,” Tara told me, shaking away the memories, “but if you give them bullshit answers they will torture you, and maybe kill you out of frustration—“

“Tara! What the hell are you doing talking to her?!” Her dad was back. I assume his last name is Dolohov as well.

 Tara immediately backed away from the cage and muttered, “I-I was just trying to find out information for you, Father. She won’t talk to me.”

“Don’t ever talk to prisoners again, you hear me? That’s not your job!” Dolohov angrily shouted.

Tara backed up away from the cage, and left the room.

“You.” Dolohov gruffly addressed me.

“Where if the Order meeting?” He yelled at me.

The Order? What Order?

“I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said, stuttering.

“Bullcrap! Don’t lie to me girly, I’m warning you now.” Dolohov said to me, his wild eyes boring into mine.

“I honestly don’t know, I swear!” I yelled, backing away from him.

“How could Dumbledore’s own granddaughter NOT know? What do you take me for? A fool? I am not a fool!” Dolohov screamed, whipping out his wand. He pointed at me, and my eyes widened.

“Pleas—“ was all I managed to scream out before Dolohov slashed his wand down, it still pointing at me. A purple flame came flying at me, and I muttered a small, “Oh!".

A blue haze surrounded me, and I saw Dolohov's confused expression before I passed out.


Wow, Belle's been passing out quite frequently, eh?

This was sort of a filler chapter, and I needed to introduce the new character, and Dolohov.

BTW Guess who's informing the DE of Isabelle? I'll give you a hint... his name starts with an 'S'

BTWBTW I have a Pottermore account! Yes, I was like the 1,000,000th beta to get my email, but still! MoonCloak8, add me :-)

I'll try to update my chapters more frequently!


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