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Weeks had passed after the incidents in the physical education. Since then, Arthur and Sakura had grown closer; they shared a secret and promised each other to tell no one.

Days before Christmas, Emily had planned to organise a Christmas party at their home (matching the atmosphere of December). At first, Arthur opposed the idea; he was not the type to party around with hip hop music coming out of the blasters. He loved the relaxing evenings in pubs with friends while watching Premier League or any other football game. But after hearing that Sakura was invited too, he voluntary accepted the party. In addition to that, Emily's friends – including Francis – would attend too, leaving no room for Arthur to argue any further. "The party will take place this weekend," Emily exclaimed happily, pointing to her brother. "Iggy will buy the drinks." He nodded, pleased that Francis was not chosen to do it. He would only buy French wine and champagne, which the Brit did not like at all. He suggested to buy everything hours before the party would start.

"What kind of Bulmers should we buy?" Sakura asked standing in front of the shelf filled with alcoholic drinks. Arthur stood beside her, still thinking of why Emily had insisted on the idea of Sakura accompanying him. He did not mind but he could not shake the thought off that his sisters had planned something. Minutes before he wanted to drive to the little Britain, Emily told him to pick Sakura up, who would join him. With a raised eyebrow he had questioned her but remained silent. He would spend the rest of the day with Sakura and would certainly not complain. It was still a mystery to him how she had agreed to join him. It must have been Emily's talent of persuasion – by trying to convince someone to the point where they would give in – that made Sakura join him.

"All of them, two bottles of each," He decided. Sakura turned her head back to the alcohol bottles. To her dismay the needed drinks were on the highest shelf which she could not reach. The girl stood up on her tiptoes, stretching her body to grab the bottles. Even though she tried her best, she still could not reach it. Arthur, noticing her struggle, placed himself behind her, taking the drinks. "T-Thank you," she said quietly, turning around. When her eyes met his, she could not prevent her face from blushing. The Brit was extremely close, and the way he looked at her made her heart beat faster. It was a dreamy and flustered expression that adorned his face.

"Is everything alright?" the shopkeeper asked, shaking the pair out of their dreamy state. "Y-Yes, everything is alright, thank you," Arthur muttered, feeling a little embarrassed to be caught in such a state; although he was also a little angry by the man who had interrupted this moment. Said man walked back, leaving the punk and Sakura alone. Both avoided eye contact while continuing their shopping trip. Sakura could still feel her heart beating faster. Weeks ago, she knew that she had developed feelings for him, but now she was certain that she did love him. They had a lot in common, shared several interests and he had been gentle to her. His smiles and eyes always caught her off guard, transforming her into a blushing mess. Unbeknownst to her, the Brit had been in the same state like her since he had met her. While she looked for snacks for the party, he searched for soft drinks on the other side of the shelf where Sakura was. He occasionally glimpsed at the girl without her noticing his eyeing.

After they had found all the needed items, they went to the check stand. "Oh, I forgot something," Arthur reminded himself, leaving Sakura alone. The cashier saw her, packing the groceries and drinks on the check stand. "Hello, beautiful."

Since she had moved into this country, everyone seemed to be fascinated by her. It was an odd feeling to be the attention of so many people. "E-er, hello," she replied a little shyly. The man smiled at her, before scanning the objects. "What is such a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? Do you need any help with carrying those bags?" He asked, his smile almost reaching his eyes.

"N-No, thank you."

Sakura felt a little uncomfortable. She only wanted one person to give her attention. And that was a certain British punk who made her smile and helped her with whatever, when she was in the need of it. "Are you certain?" the cashier once again inquired. Before the Japanese could utter any phrase, a familiar figure appeared behind her. "Yes, she is," Arthur muttered darkly. He steadied his two arms on the border of the check stand. In between them was Sakura, caged by his arms while her back was pushed into his chest. "She does not need any help, mister. Not when I am around." Needless to mention, Sakura face was just as red as that of the cashier. Whereas she was red due to Arthur's proximity, the cashier was frightened by the dark look the Punk's face hold. Without any other mentions, the items were bought within a few moments and Arthur drove Sakura back to his home. She insisted on helping with the preparations.

Little Britain is a little (it's small but so cute) shop in the neighbouring town of where the European school is. Last time I was in the shop, they had placed a life size stand up of Benedict Cumberbatch in the entrance. Very British :'D ~ and the cashier is not based on any person working there, it is only a man who only appears with the purpose of triggering Arthur's jealousy (as always ~). This chapter is really small, I know :'D

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