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Key's P.O.V.


I'm sobbing?

But why?

My hands are shaking and my vision is blurred as I hurriedly write a letter. I can't make out the words but I have a strong feeling that it's important. My tears stain the page I stick to my dresser someone will find it.

The people I love will know why.

Know why I'm doing...this.

The's so great it's swallowing me whole and I cry harder.


I want the agony to end.

I grip the razor blade so tightly that it breaks the skin of my paling fingers slicing into my palm so easily. The reddest of reds begin to drip down my trembling hand and it looks so beautiful. The most beautiful thing on my vile tainted body. It speaks to me...calls me to the end I crave so badly.


Because I can't bear the pain any longer...

The pain that eats away at my soul.

I want to be free...

Is that so bad?

I'm just so tired.

"I'm s-so...sorry..." The tear slurred whisper leaves my lips with the first sharp slash against my wrist.

It hurts...

But in a good way.

The kind of hurt that I cause...I deserve...

The kind that I embrace because it will save me.

Take me away.

So I keep cutting.




My blood...

So much of it...

Dancing and laughing across the ironically white sheets of my bed.

So I smile too...

A sad smile...

The only real smile that has touched my lips in ages.

'Forgive me.' The thought seems to glide through my hazy mind.

Please understand that I'm tired.

So weighed down by the burden off my pain.

I don't have the strength to cut anymore.

I collapse into the the bloody canvas that is my bed with a few sluggish whimpers.

This is it.

Will I be loved now?

Will someone love me now?

Will I be at peace now?


I have to be...

"In d-death I'll finally be l-loved." I say almost inaudibly as darkness begins to swallow me up.

Yes...I'll finally be loved.

The darkness swallows me up like everything else in life.

And then...

There's nothing.


"! Nononononooooo!" The ear piercing scream rips past my lips as I shoot up in bed panicked sobs wracking my trembling frame.

It's the only memory I have of my previous self.

It's the only thing I remember from being Kai.

I hate it.

I wouldn't do something so...

"O-Oh G-God...why?" I cry and am suddenly engulfed in familiar warm strong arms.

Arms I feel safe in.

" at me..." Ryder says softly but I'm still so scared.

So disgusted with myself.

"Please baby." He pleads and I finally turn my teary gaze to him not resisting as he wipes the warm streams away.

"Your safe...I'm here...nothing or nobody will hurt you." He assures me and I burry my heated face in his neck feeling more tears brimming my eyes.

"Even if it's me?" I ask desperately and he kisses my temple running soothing fingers through my hair.

"Yes, even if it's you baby boy." He says quietly and I hold onto him tighter.

"Can I spend the night here with you? I don't think I'll get even a wink of sleep at my place." I say bashfully and he chuckles.

"Anything for you." He replies laying us back down under the warm inviting blankets.

I cuddle up to him with a whispered thanks and soon fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

With him here I'd most definitely be safe...even from myself.


Authors Note

Ok, so this is the second book in the Unspeakable series and I'm looking forward to seeing were it will lead. I think I shouldn't have to go through all the 'this is my work crap'. It's my story and it's copy righted so if anyone steals it they'll have to pay the price. On a much lighter note thanks for reading and I hope you stick around until the end.




Xoxo shutup345 💋

The Unforgettable (B x B) [Book 2: Unspeakable Series]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat