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He was up in a span of seconds after he heard the dial tone. Kathy stirred "Elliot what's the matter?" "Olivia was thrown off a roof." That woke Kathy up real quick. She launched up,"WHAT?!?" "Exactly what I thought. She's at Mercy." "I'm coming with." Kathy got up to put on some jeans. "No Kathy." "Why the hell not?" "What about the kids?" "Maureen's 15 Elliot, I'll wake her and have her watch them. Olivia is my friend too." And with that they proceeded to drive to the hospital.
Upon arrival they encountered the rest of the SVU squad including Casey, Alex, Melinda, And Huang. "What happened?" Said Elliot. "She went up to the roof for air, Kepler was waiting for her. We don't know everything that happened, but when we got to the roof she had a split lip, her nose was bleeding, she was shot, and holding her ribs, I think he cracked them. And we tried to talk to him, but he just wouldn't listen. Tony fired at him, the blow hit his shoulder and in an attempt to get out of the way for any more bullets, Kepler pushed Olivia off the roof." Said Ziva. "But she's okay right?" Elliot asked. He feared the worst for his best friend. He knew something was wrong. He could feel it, and he did nothing. He could never forgive himself. They are partners, for better or worse. And he failed her. "Before she plummeted to her death she grabbed on to the edge of the roof and held on for dear life. Despite the GSW despite the cracked ribs she held on. She's one tough cookie." Said Rossi. "We apprehended Kepler and pulled her up while calling a bus." JJ spouted. "But she's going to be okay right?" "We don't know. The doctors haven't talked to us yet." They all sat and waited. Elliot was loosing it. "What's taking them so long?!?" Cragen stepped up, "Elliot the longer she's on that table the better it is." "Why?" "Because that means, she hasn't died yet." And that seemed to calm Elliot down in some weird demented way. Finally after 6 hours, the doctor emerged, covered in blood, "Family of Olivia Benson?" NCIS FBI and SVU all stood up. "That's us." The doctor scanned the room. "You don't look like family." "We might not be biologically connected, but were the only family she's got." Said fin. "Alrighty then, Ms. Benson, has 3 broken ribs, 2 fractured ribs, a minor concussion, and a fractured nose. The gunshot wound was lodged into her kidney and we needed to remove it, but the other is still fully functional. She lost a severe amount of blood, but the baby should be fine." Cragens heart leaped into his throat, "baby?" "You didn't know? Ms. Benson is 8 weeks pregnant." And with that he left. "Baby?" Said Elliot. "But she's not seeing anyone, who's the father?"

I know I know kill me, but I had an idea and kinda ran with it. This is a pretty assholish fanfic am I right. Just plot twist after plot twist I don't blame you for being mad. Anyway, next chapter find out who the daddy is, or maybe not, I haven't decided yet.

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