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Back at the hospital Olivia rushed in. She had lost her mother once and wasn't about to lose her again. She ran into her mothers room only to find Serena not there. Panicked she ran to the nurses station, "Hello my name is Olivia Benson I want to know where my mother Serena Benson is. I'm her daughter." "Sorry can't say, it's classified." Olivia was getting more pissed and more worried than she should've been. She held up her badge "Where the Hell is my mother? If you don't tell me I will sue you!" "Ugh the FBI took her." "FBI? FBI! WHAT FBI?" "Said his name was Kelper, held up a badge. She lift with him." "ARE YOU INSANE?!? WHY WASNT I NOTIFIED? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY SHE WAS HERE?!? YOU LET HER WALK OUT OF HERE WITH THE GUY THAT PUT HER IN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!" At this point the nurse had realized how big of a mistake she had made."oh my god! Oh he just left like an hour ago he couldn't be far. I don't think." "EXACTLY YOU DONT THINK! I NEED ALL SECURITY VIDEOS FROM YESTERDAY TIL NOW.
Won't be long now baby. You me and Livie can all finally be a family. Said Kepler as he looked into Serena's eyes. She was not only scared for herself, but for once in her life she was scared for her daughter. She knew exactly what he had planned. And she knew Olivia wouldn't be able to handle it, but she also knew Olivia wouldn't  say no when her mothers life is at stake. Serena could only cry at the thought of her baby being tortured at the hands of Kepler. While she sat strapped to a chair gagged and helpless. It wouldn't be long. Her daughter was smart and determined. She knew she would find her soon, but she didn't know what would happen after she was found. Kepler held all the cards, and he knew exactly how to play them.

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