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POV: Gibbs

He saw her, she was thrown backwards off the roof. Propelled by Keplers push. He heard her scream out. The terror in her plea of "No" they knew she didn't want to die. She was already bleeding from the gunshot wound. It probably nicked an artery. Her lip was busted her nose was bleeding and she was holding not only the GSW but her ribs. Were they broken? He didn't know. He could only feel anger because of what had been done to her. He had only known her for 3 days and already she had been put through hell and yet, she still was determined not to let it get to her. She was strong, resilient. He saw the look of fear that resonated in her face when she was thrown off the roof. He could only run after her in hopes of trying to catch her before she fell to her death.

Garcia's POV

She was there, and then she wasn't. One minute she was there, and the next she was gone. Kepler pushed her off a roof. Her own father did that to her. Why? What did she do to him that was so awful? She didn't ask to be conceived. Nor did she ask to be born. Sure she was the heir to his billions, but he could easily keep her out of the will, couldn't he? He pushed his own daughter off a roof, after he shot her, after he surly broke her ribs, after he beat her up. She didn't do anything to him.

Keplers POV

I killed my own daughter. Fuck. I knew I was crazy but I didn't think I was that crazy. I just wanted us to be a family, and I killed my own daughter. What's wrong with me?

Olivia's POV



Kathy: Elliot? What are you doing up so late?
Elliot; something just feels wrong.
Kathy: how so?
Elliot: I don't know it just feels like there's something wrong and I don't know what it is, I'm going to call Olivia.
Kathy: El don't bother her, she has a lot on her plate, don't wake her. She's probably having trouble sleeping anyway.
Elliot: So she's probably up right now.
Kathy: no that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying we should just let her be.
Elliot: Fine.

*2 hours later*

*phone rings*
Elliot:*grabbing the phone* What? What? Who died?
Rossi: Olivia was thrown off a roof, she's at mercy.
Elliot: Huh?!?

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