What to do/ task2

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I woke up in the morning. Today is the day we stay up all night trying to find away for me to breath for one hour. I have to save my treasure. I got dressed in

i walked down and hugged Ron as I saw him

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i walked down and hugged Ron as I saw him. Me hermione and Harry went to the library. We pulled books out about the black lake.  "Tell me the verse again". Hermione asked. "COME AND SEEK US WHERE OUR VOICES ARE WE CANNOT SPEAK ABOVE GHE GROUND." It's the lake I knew it was. I spoke up" I have an hour to find what a sorely miss and if I don't it will be gone forever." We stayed up studied all night. I wrote in my journal.

Hey it's me this is really hard but lets just say. If I do not succeed I will stay with the thing I lost. I closed it and sighed I lavender there staring. "Stare any longer brown and we will turn to stone" she came to me and said" just because you have the boy of my dream does not mean I won't let you push me." I chuckled and said, what's your definition of push." She was confused," I define it as making someone do something what do you define it as" I pounders and said" I define it was physical contact and moving someone." I got closer stretched my arms and hugged Ron. She walked away and I said to Ron," don't leave me for her." I just kept looking and looking nothing it's like nearly midnight well it is.

Ron is sleeping on the desk and I am leaning in him. Reading a book hermione and Harry doing the same.  I started to cry and Ron shot up. " who in gods name made you cry."  I hugged Ron and said," I can't do it I can't. I stopped crying when moody came. "Professor Dumbledore will like to talk to you." Me and Harry stood up and he said,"not you potters just Ms. Granger and Wesley." I hugged hermione an kissed Ron. They left then moody said" longbottom help the potters put the books away." We were talking about plants Harry was bored then said," if you have a flower to help my sister breath under water then please do tell." Navel pondered and said not a flower a plant." Humm I wonder what it is. I just want to see Ron that's all. After that we talked to navel about the plant and stuff he will give it to me in the morning.
Time for bed.


its morning hermione wasn't in the room this morning. I walked down in a gryffindor swim suit. I looked for Ron worried. I walked with Harry to navel who was by a tree. All you hear is " bets bets two boys two girls who will win." It's the twins. I walked to the platform with some squishy plant. Dumbledore explains the task as input the thing in my mouth. The cannon blew I couldn't breath then moody pushed me into the lake. I grew gills and webed feet and fingers I took this opportunity to flip in the air I heard cheering. I went through the tall grass I saw a few mermaids pass me. Hideous they are. I saw fleur I followed. I saw hermione cho fleur sister I lost her. I got closer and saw Ron. I touched him he is out cold. I took my wand out ready to take hermione with me when them mermaid chicks came to me and said," only one and me being me I said," she's my friend too." Then I saw a shark come by. Cho had been taking already by cedric he had a bubble thing. He told me I almost out if time. I untied Ron and saw the shark take hermione It was Krum. I saw fleur little sister still so I shot the thing around her leg I wrapped her arm with Ron's and pushed them up. Then the mermaid attacked me I yelled out STUPAFY. they didn't leave the last thing I yelled out ACCIO. I flew up and landed on the dock. I coughed out water. I was wrapped with blankets. I looked to see seamus I thanked him Ron came and hugged me. Hermione have me her towel worried about me but not like Ron was. The fleur came up to me and said "thank you, you saved my sister even though she wasn't your to save." She hugged me turned to Ron and said ," you helped to." He stumbled over his word when she kissed his cheek. The Dumbledore spoke. " cedric is in first place and all though Ms. Potter came in last she is in second place nit only did she being her treasure but she brought another." So that means krums  third. I smiled as gryffindor cheered. I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see malfoy. " congrats angelica on second place." I thanked him as he left. Ron took me and said lets celebrate. To hagrids. We cheered and left

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