Portkey/world cup

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Ron held my hand and led me to the portkey where we all walked to. I kissed Ron's cheek an told him I'm going with Ginny an hermione. He kissed mine and said okay. I was talking to them when this boy and man came probably his dad. He turned to me Ginny and hermione and walked to me and said," hello I'mCedric." I smiled at him and said," I'm angelica." He smiled and winked at me. He walked away and I turned to see a mad Ron. I looked away and looked at hermione and Ginny who gave me a sympathetic smile. I smiled at them and walked to Ron. I tried to hold his hand but he pulled away. Mr. Weasly introduced us to Mr. Diggory and Cedric. Mr. Weasly told us to grab the boot I did. We we appeared to be in the sky then we fell I screamed same as hermione. Then we fell on the ground. I landed on something not someone. I looked to see Ron he was about to say something but I got up. I was about to walk away but Cedric stopped in front of he grabbed my hand and said," are you alright gorgeous." I pulled my hand away and said," yeah ima go to my boy now." I walked away and went to Ron. He looked at me and said," how come your here go with Cedric." I looked at him and said," I left Cedric and told him I'm going with my boy and that's you Ron." He smiled and hugged me and said I'm sorry jealousy brings out the ugly in people." I laughed and said," it not ugly with you it's kinda cute." He kissed my cheek and held my hand.

Qudditch World Cup

we have been walking up these stairs for a long time. George yelled. To his father are we almost there. His father yelled back almost George. I was tired I looked at Ron and said," your a strong bloke." He laughed and said," I like that you called me strong." I blushed and said," can I have a piggy-back ride. Right when I was about to jump in his back someone said,". Aye potter." I turned because that was my last name. He looked at me and said," my my its angelica your beautiful." I looked at him and said," hello.. Umm what's your name." Ron wrapped his arm around my waits and whispered in my ear," his name is malfoy Draco malfoy." I nodded and turned to Draco. He looked at me and my waist and said," don't go for a weasly go for a Malfoy." I looked at him and laughed and said," my brother doesn't like you and you don't like my brother that disgust me you want me to be with you but you don't like my brother or my family." I walked to Ron and hugged him. Harry came and said," piss off Malfoy." Ron asked how high are we. I turn and look at Harry and he is still arguing with Malfoy. Then a man came and said," if it rains you'll be the first to know." Harry was gonna walk away when the man out his cane down on Harry's sweater and said," have your sister stay away from my son, and have fun." I looked back and said stupid blond bimbos." Ron laughed and said," jump on my back love." I jumped on his back his hands gripped my thighs and made sure I wasn't choking him. We made it the spot finally. I looked at Ron and said," I'm sorry I must have weighed a ton. He looked at me shocked and said," no you don't." We waited for the game to start and it did. Funny because its the Ireland vs. Bulgaria. Ron being Ron irished me out. As the Irish flew by I smiled and when the left the big lepercon dancing it was wicked. Then the Bulgaria team came out. Ron told me they have the youngest seeker victor krum. I saw the whole thing I have to admit Quidditch is awesome I hope Harry teaches me. So the game began.

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