Weird quill/interview

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Waking up Sunday morning with a handsome bloke next to you is awesome. But when your roommate comes and attacks you with a hug you remember your in the triwizard tournament ruins the whole thing. " oh angelica it's gonna be okay ill be here and why is Ron in your bed there is a charm so boys don't come up." I giggled and said," Dumbledore had Krum bring me up here. Krum had a talking to with him." I have to wake Ron meet you down at the great hall. She left and I shook Ron. He groaned and looked at me and smiled. I said," please get up Harry will be down and your not mad at Harry your jealous because you didn't get called I know." He smiled and said," you me." He kissed me and left. I got dressed and went down with Ron. When we were there HARRY came and said," so you make my sister cry and ignore me." I looked at Harry and said," lets go the interview." I said bye to Ron and hermione and left. On our way Harry said," I wrote our godfather he should write back soon". I nodded and headed out. I looked around every one had buttons about me and Harry malfoy came up to us and said like them potters". I scoffed and said," to think I was gonna give you a chance." Ron was standing and watching. The buttons said potter stinks.

Ron went to malfoy and said," I may be mad at Harry but that's my girlfriend also don't make me give you another black eye again." Malfoy backed up I got his badges and dropped them. Snape came and said," potters and weasley detention this week my office now." Snape left "I could just hex you Malfoy." Harry said. "Why don't I."Draco said. I ran over to Draco. I pulled out my wand and held it to his neck. "Now now little itty bitty Draco Malfoy has the guts to hex my brother. I think not." I began saying. Everyone gasped Draco was shocked. "You sound like a Slytherin." He said swallowing hard. He pushed me and pointed his wand at me when and orange light shot him turning him into a ferret a white ferret he was extremely cute. Moody casted the spell he lifted Malfoy and dropped him in crabbes pants everyone laughing as Malfoy bit crabby. The ferret ran in a circle then stopped and looked at me. I bent down and touched Malfoy. Absent minded I forgot it was him. Soon Mcgonagall turned him back into Malfoy and I was scratching his head. I was crouched down. He looked right at me. I helped him up his face inches from mine. "Potters weasley don't you have detention with me snape." Moody said and Harry and Ron said yes. I slowly nodded looking at Draco. "Your as a ferret." I said pushing my hair behind my ear looking down then at him and he was blushing. I soon left.

We were in his office when a boy named Collin came in and said," Mr. Bagman need the champions for a picture. He sent me and Harry out even Ron. Who kissed my cheek and left. We walked into the room to see a moody Krum fleur and cedric. Me and fleur sat and the boys behind us and then there was a flash and pictures were taken. They took our wands to weigh them to see if it was fully functional. Then I looked for the lady who took our picture. She came out and said," I'm Rita Skeeter writer in the daily prophet you already knew that." Me being me I said," I have no bloody clue who you are." She rolled her eyes at me and said," long lost potter has been hiding under the stairs in that little room." I stood up and said," yes actually I have till Harry's third year." She scoffs and walks away.

So time for interviews every one ready." Rita said lets start with youngest. So the twins c'mon. Me and Harry looked at each other and followed her. She led us in to a broom closet. She said," cozy ain't it." Feels like home doesn't it Harry." I said to Harry. She rolled her eyes and the other room was slightly bigger. One seat only boo. I say on Harry's lap. She turned on candles and said," don't mind if I use a quick-quotes quill" I said," if you wanted this to be quick why ask." My name is Rita skeeter daily prophet reporter." The quill wrote everything she said. Me always say remarks said." Don't your readers know who you are already." The quill wrote what I said down. Then she said," Ms. Potter loves making smart remarks." The quill wrote attractive blond Rita skeeter, forty-three,whose quill ect. She ripped it guess no one knows how old this lady is. Then said asked us questions," so Harry and angelica what made you decide to enter the triwizard tournament?" I coughed and said," do you think we would do that knowing its dangerous." The quill sped across the parchment I got up and looked it wrote what I said and An ugly scars souvenir of a tragic past, disfigures otherwise charming face of Harry potter and beautiful face of angelica who's eyes- I pointed to where it's said beautiful and said," I like that part." She turned to me and said," ignore the quill you to. She looked at us and asked the same question," now- why did you guys decide to enter the tournament." Harry said," we didn't." We have no clue how our name was put it we were surprised when it came out I was terrified Harry was shocked." I told her. She laughed and said," say the truth no need to be scared if getting in trouble. We know you shouldn't have entered at all. Our readers love rebels." We didn't enter lady we don't even know who- she interrupted me
so how do you feel about the first task scared nervous. Harry pondered an said I haven't thought of It so I suppose nervous." She turned to me and said," how about you." I looked at her and said," oh no the first task I guess I feel like I might pee myself I'm scared why wouldn't I." A lot of champions have died in the past haven't they." I looked at her and said," no duh didn't you hear it's dangerous and that's why I might pee myself." Harry said," they said it is gonna be safer." I looked at him and said," safe or not I'm still scared." She said," of course you've looked death in te face before." I said I did I was a baby so basically I have Harry has. If you ask has it caused trauma in our past might have made us prove ourselves don't ask. Just remember we survived we got a second chance in life we didn't enter. The she said," came you remember your parents at all?" I said," our parents died before we learned to say mom and dad or anything so no we don't." She said," how do you think they would feel about being in the tournament proud worried angry?" I looked at Harry who seemed annoyed and has a frown. I looked at her and said," how are we gonna know are they here no so stop." Harry looked at the quill to see what it said then he said," we do not have tears in our eyes. I looked at what it said and it said," tears full the starling green eyes of Harry and brown of angelica as our conversation turns to the parents they came barely remember." I looked at her an said," enough if this we are not crying so goodbye." I got up and took Harry out.

Next day)

We are eating breakfast Ron is still mad at Harry but that's there problem not mines. The mail came and my owl came to me. She stopped in front of me with the daily prophet and a letter form uncle vernon. I pet scarlet and she left. I opens the prophet and read it.

Angelica potter 14 years old smart mouth full of attitude replied saying her and her brother did not put there names in do you believe that I sure don't what is going on with these two. Where was she the other three years and now she is back in her forth year of Hogwarts. She must be talked to about how she spoke to me. She must be hurt over her parents our conversation went up to them and she looked hurt tears in her eyes.

Harry potter 14 years old. The first twin out before his sister who is a minuet younger. He was very quiet and also said they didn't put there names in. They both faced death but survived. Same thing when our conversation went to their parents they don't remember much but also seemed hurt and had tears in his eyes.

I was shocked I got up and though the paper away. Ron came to me and said," she didn't it for publicity she needs it don't worry we know its not true okay."

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