Chapter 10 Something more

Comenzar desde el principio

" So this was your ' just a normal dinner? I asked him.

" you like it?" He smiled at me.

" it's extravagant and beautiful. " I told him smiling.

"I am glad you like it"

" How did you arrange this?" I was impressed by him.

" well I pulled some strings and ringed some calls and it was easy."

" thank you for this grand romantic gesture."

" I am happy you like it " he came to my side and took my hand," Let's go see the whole city from the view area" oh no that means looking down from this height! I can't tell him I am afraid of heights. He will think I am a scaredy-cat.

" it's okay I can see it all from here." I gave him a forced smile.

" come on if you don't look from there I won't able to see the beauty "

" Okay. ..." I took his hand.

Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down I repeated in my head. We reached the edge. He bent and looked down. I caught his arm. "Be careful "

" don't worry love it's okay come look." He wanted me to look down?! I peeked a little. " yeah beautiful now let's go back to our seat."

" come here " he pulled me in his arms and made me look at the view. I hugged his arm tightly. I agree the view was beautiful but if I look down anymore I will faint. I was practically digging my nails in his suit. We were standing on the edge.

"Whoa, baby your heart is beating crazy fast. Are you afraid of heights?"

"How did you know? " I looked at him.

" I can feel your heartbeat as your hugging my arm tight in your chest" I got embarrassed and he continued "and I can hear it as I am close enough" he put his arms around me moving away from the railing.

" Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of heights?"

" doesn't that sound lame?" I asked him.

" No, because everyone is afraid of something. Don't worry I am around you I will keep you safe " we went towards our seats.

" it looks like we don't know much about each other. Let's do the question game" he said.

" Okay. You go first. " I said taking the red wine to my lips.

" What is your favourite colour? "

" royal blue. And yours?"

" Green. Who are you most close with?"

"Hmm, it's Ethane, my brother. Who all are there in your family? "

" my mom, dad, grandmother. Do you have a boyfriend? "

" No. And you. Any girlfriends?"

" no. I don't date. Your favourite movie?"

" Okay...And my favourite movie is hot pursuit. "

"Hot pursuit? Hmm. Interesting. What are your hobbies? "

"I like to sing and hang out with Cloè and baking. And yours? "

" I like to work in my free time. At what age did you start racing? "

" I was 17 at that time. How many girlfriends did you have?"

" I don't date but occasionally one night stands were there. I don't do that anymore since you came."

"Is that true?" I raised an eyebrow.

" Yes, it's true."

" So are you a virgin? He asked me.

" whoa whoa whoa too personal. I am not answering anymore." I was blushing hard.

"I will take it as a yes" he smirked.

"You're incorrigible. " I said to him.

After the beautiful dinner, we reached the hotel. We were standing outside my room. " that was a really beautiful dinner. I loved it" I said to James smiling.

" So if I ask you on a date again you will say yes?"

" yeah," I smiled. I felt we were opening up to each other. He was rude like people say. I thought if we are something more?

" Really? "

" yeah," I giggled.

I was about to go in when he said, " wait..."

He pulled me close to himself "you make me feel different ...." and he kissed me lightly. This kiss was like the passion of a lover shouting out his love. I gave into him. I kissed him in return without even knowing it. He put his hands on his waist. The kiss turns to intence. His hands were in my hair and the other hand was grabbing my ass. I put my hands on his shoulders. We went with the flow. My body on fire. Somebody cleared their throat.

"Hmm. Hmmm..." we broke from the kiss. It was from Jasmine. Why do people always see us in such situations?

" I will..see you tomorrow" he bent down and kissed my hand then he went away.

"I am glad it was me not Leo otherwise he would have taken the whole hotel down." Jasmine laughed.

" you owe me an explanation," she said.

" I do. Come in I will tell you" We went inside.

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