The Group Dance|Eren's Dance (4)

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(I am such a fuck up, i should have had edited this a few days ago and i never did. Here ya go.. Also The video's don't belong to me they belong to the rightful owner. I hope you all enjoy~ )

Eren's POV

It was time for the group dance run through, Hanji was teaching us a couple of things and the competition or party was in the next few days.

Levi hasn't talked to me much, We live together and we wake up together, we do a lot of things together except when were here at the studio we barely talk, I was thinking about doing a song run through of a different dance for Levi, Maybe after practice today, I practiced a little bit but not much.

We still weren't told what the group dance song was but Hanji said we needed to make sure we kept up with it, So after everyone arrived we got onto the floor and got into dancing position before the music started, Hanji walked us through the choreography.

After everyone got into motion and we learned everything we went over it with music once or twice before We actually started to dance without anyone teaching us, so once the music started. So did we.

Everyone did the moves they went through with Hanji, Us guys started the first round of the song and then a group girls did another round of it, everyone liked how fast it was.

After everyone finished, we went through it a couple more times before, I decided to do my song for Levi, in which it was just me. Hanji Found a me a good song, I thought it was rather Embarrassing, but she thought it was fine. I do hope this gets his attention. Hanji went and grabbed a chair and made Levi sit on it, everyone else was sitting around us. Most of them knew what was going on, Hanji definitely knew the situation.

Levi remained there on the chair, He looked somewhat confused, but after I ended up on the dance floor waiting for the song to start, he raised one of his eyebrows and remained quiet.

I got into position, and then the music started:

(A/N I don't own the music or the video or the Choreography. It belongs to the rightful owner. Also, Pay attention to The Choreography.)

After the music ended, Levi smiled, and walked up to me; then pulled me down and kissed me. Everyone was freaking out, The girls, squealing, and the guys whistling, After the day ended that night, after we walked into the Apartment, Levi couldn't keep his hands from roaming my Skin, He kissed me as if he missed me, Like I had been gone. My focus remained on him and only him, He laid me on our bed and crawled up then sitting on my legs.

He cold hands traveled up my shirt, before moved his face to my neck and whispered, "I love you.. Eren..Even though the song was totally Cheesy.."

My face was very red, he knew it too. That night all I could remember and never forget was the sound of skin together, the way his lips tasted, and the sweet things he whispered to me.

The countless times we whispered "I love you's.." To each other.

Well lets just say I'd get into detail but that would take me awhile to explain.....

(Hello wonderful People. Long time no Update, Am I right?.. Heh..Don't throw rocks at me...Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed. Let me know what you think, and as always if you have any suggestions or ideas message me. I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you all in the next Chapter byyebye~)

Dance for you (Sequel to: "The Dance Studio.")Where stories live. Discover now