Levi's Dance/Unexpected Guest/Dance off? (6)

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(So, I know this chapter might be late but I'm just going to get into it, this is gonna get....messy.)

(Third person POV)

Eren woke up the next morning after getting home the previous night exhausted. He shuffled around in the silky and warm sheets of his lover's bed.

After the alarm started to blare even though he was awake, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, hopefully he wouldn't be to sleeping today, given the fact that today marks about 3 days until the competition. Which meant, he and the others only had a few days to practice, but he was confident enough to believe that they were going to do great.

Eren stood up and took shower, Levi was gone, he had left before Eren woke up, but somehow he still wondered what Levi was doing..

Eren's POV

After my shower, I changed and grabbed some toast before going to put on my shoes. I grabbed my bag, going back to the room and putting a change of clothes inside, and my water bottle from the fridge.

Then i went back to the door and left, pulling the door shut behind me and locking it.

Finally, I was on my way to the Studio.. Once I had got there, i parked my car, and went inside, and checked in with Hanji, I looked at her after signing in, "Hey, Have you seen Levi.. ? He left early this morning, he's usually asleep when i wake up.." Hanji was drinking her coffee and almost choked when I asked, "He's uh... He's in the studio.. but he's helping out a few students so he'll only be a few moments."

I shook my head, "Oh okay, Well then ill just go wait inside his studio and sit or something." Hanji jumped up, "No!, Uh.. I mean.. He said he uh.. wanted to be left alone." I arched an eyebrow, "Oh uh.. Okay.." So Taking her word for it, I went and sat down across from her desk. I could hear the faint music echoing from the hall, but i didn't pay much attention of it. I got my phone out, before i heard a door open and then close.

Levi appeared from around the corner. He looked at me, then at Hanji. "You've been here this whole time?" He looked at me while asking. "Uh.. No.. I just got here like 10 minutes ago.." I stood up with my bag, and walked over to him, pulling the front of his shirt towards me, and pecked his lips and then his forehead. "You left pretty early this morning.. I missed you." He smirked, and pulled me down for a second kiss, then Hanji coughed.

We both looked at her, and then Levi rolled his eyes, "Shut it, Shitty four eyes.." He looked at me, and i grabbed his hand and we walked back to the studio, I went and sat my bag down along with my phone, before walking over to Levi, "What do you need me to do?" He raised an eyebrow, "Actually.. for now, Your watching.. " I tilted my head, "Watching... What exactly?" He smirked, "Me.. Your going to watch me.. This song.. Just watch okay brat?" I smiled, and nodded.

I went and sat on the floor, before 4 guys walked in the room and stood in the opposite corner, I did question why they were standing and I was sitting.

Levi went over and handed me a remote to the radio, "When I say I'm ready, press play." I nodded.

He then backed up while he was in front of me, and then said he was ready, then one by one the 4 guys added themselves to the dance after the music started.

(A/N: I don't own the choreography or the video, Watch until 1:16)

He started to dance, and I've never seen him dance like this before so it really surprised me.

"She doesn't call before midnight

Dance for you (Sequel to: "The Dance Studio.")Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu