Chapter 10- Whats mine is yours, right?

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It was like a Pink explosion. Kori  wanted to cover her eyes. There was glitter and sparkles everywhere. It was hideously shudder worthy. 

This could not be his room. Was he hiding a secret? 

The bed cover was a beautiful white Pegasus on a rainbow background. The floor had a roll out purple plaid rug resting on top of the rooms native navy blue carpet. The white walls were covered in posters of  cartoon unicorns. While the wall shelves sported flashy equine toys. 

Memory check. No way he was gay, he had kissed her with heat yesterday.  Cuddled with her last night. Picked her up with such tenderness a moment ago. Driven all her doubts away with a few words. 

 "Th-There's glitter everywhere. Er-mah-gerd."  Casper trailed off into fit of laughter. 

"He's not gay!" Kori defended crossing her arms. 

Casper stopped abruptly and looked at her comically, "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Did she yell that a little to defensively? She thought about the kiss out side of the restaurant, the heat in his eyes every time he looked a her, when he touched her last night. He was into her.

Casper had managed to get herself off the floor. Circling the room, she started playing with a pair of large plastic horses. Loc appeared behind Kori just as Casper made them jump around the room.


"LOC!" Kori interrupted his curse. 

He paused, shooting her a 'What?' expression. His eyebrows drew down in frustration. She cocked an eyebrow, daring him to curse. He folded his tall frame slumping, "I was going to say Hill...Sam Hill." His voice rose with his lie.

She frowned waiting him out. 

 "Okay maybe I would have slipped." Distractedly he walked into his bedroom, surveying his surroundings slack jawed. A small sigh of relief escaped her as she noticed he was as shocked as she was by all the pink. Broad shoulders eating up any imagined space in the room, she forgot how to breath. His surprise molded into something else.  With a sideways glance she noticed a tick in his jaw; he was mad.  So adorable. 

"I'm gonna kill him."  His teeth ground together, he parked in the center of the rug feet spread wide. Arms folded, he rolled his neck and closed his eyes his head tilting heavenward. 


 His vein pulsed above his temple at her question.

 "You mean you didn't decorate your own room?" It was hard to hide a grin behind her palm.

"Who do you think?! No, I'm gonna kill them all," He lifted his head and blew out a huge breath. "Especially Rye. He's dead to me."

The unicorns flew in the air around his head. They were a plastic, purple and about three inches tall. Casper made them canter around his brow her hands in the air as her translucent self was shorter than Kori, she had to reach high. His eyebrows peaked and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ghost?"

"Yah, she kinda likes to play with shiny things."

Casper stage whispered, "Ooo Sparkly," holding up spirit fingers at the same time.  The equines went flying through the air and hit the wall with a small, ' tap, tap' sound. 

Kori watched a grin crack his frown and she cocked her head. He was taking this in stride. Standing in his brother ribbing. makeover, pink bedroom with a ghost and floating ponies. Who wouldn't get a kick out of that?

The ride to a hotel was quiet and long.  Loc wanted to get as far away from his house and the threat it held.

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