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After what happened during the summon, Sasuke doubt to do another summon.

"What's wrong, Sasuke? You have to summon the Snake (sorry don't remember the name) to keep all this secret scrolls that Orochimaru made", said Juugo as he was holding the scrolls.

"Uhh..", uttered Sasuke. He puts away all his worries and do several hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu". Sasuke placed his hand on the ground and some smoke came out. He was relieved as the summon didn't went wrong. The Snake was there and Juugo gave the scrolls to it. The scrolls contains all experiments that Orochimaru did and they wanted to store it away as they afraid someone might misuse it. So The Snake will swallowed it to make sure the scrolls was safe.

"Sasuke-sama", called The Snake. Lowering its head, The Snake looked at Sasuke. "I felt a single doubt from you  when you summon me", said The Snake.

"It's nothing", said Sasuke.

"You know that when you summon me, you can't have doubt or less I'll not be able to fully follow your order. This is very dangerous especially during a fight. Please be extra careful or I might back stab you in the future", explained The Snake.

"I know about that. I'll be careful next time", said Sasuke.

"Okay. That's all the scrolls we got here", said Juugo as he came out from inside. "It not that much as Orochimaru rarely used this hideout".

"Well then you can go now", said Sasuke and he release The Snake. 

Then the both of them went inside and saw Karin and Seigetsu were talking. They were discussing that they should stayed longer at that hideout as it was unknown. Sasuke and Juugo agreed with it. Then Sasuke went inside his room and stood in the centre.

'I have to try one more time. I have to summon Neko-chi', said Sasuke to himself.

He did the hand signs and said "Summoning Jutsu".

A puff of smoke appeared and there was a girl standing there.

"S-Sasuke? H-How can it happen again?", asked Hinata with a chopstick in her hand.

Sasuke dropped his head and sighed. Then he looked at Hinata and asked "Why can't I summon Neko-chi?".

"N-Neko-chi? What's that?", she asked him back.

"The one who suppose to appear. Why you and not Neko-chi?", said Sasuke.

"How am I suppose to know. Now release me, I was eating when you suddenly summon me. I have a mission later", said Hinata.

"Then, I need you to help me", said Sasuke.

"Help you with what? D-Don't you ask me to kill anyone!", said Hinata frightening.

"No. I just need you to check something. Go to the Uchiha district and check if something went wrong", he ordered Hinata.

"But, that district is strictly forbidden to enter", said Hinata.

"Just do it or I'll kill you", Sasuke threaten Hinata with cold tone.

Hinata looks frighten and she don't have any other choice. She nodded and agreed to it. Then Hinata disappeared when Sasuke released her.

All alone in the room, he kept thinking if he no longer can't summon Neko-chi, it going to a burden to Karin.

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