Chapter 6: Saving the Vet

Start from the beginning

"What are you talking about? You were on watch last." Isaac counters, scratching the back of his neck.

"No, you were on watch last." Scott says.

"I might have been on watch last." Isaac confesses, looking towards Melissa.

"My heroes." Melissa says, laughing. "Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear."

"Yeah, but it could just come under any kind of hear, Mom, and you were defiantly a healer last night." Scott says proudly.

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today, so all of you get your butts to school." Melissa says.

The boys walk out of the room, leaving me and Melissa laughing. Scott eyes my legs before walking into his room, making me blush.

"Today's gonna be a good day." I mutter, walking to my room to change.


Isaac, Boyd and I all look at each other before Isaac swings the loft door open. We all walk inside as a gruff voice says, "Go back to school."

"Well, actually, we can't." Isaac tells his alpha. "Boyd and I are incredibly an unbelievably sick while Emma here is just, well, she's Emma."

"What are you sick with, brain damage?" Derek asks, walking down the spiral staircase. His lips are tugged into a smile as he sees his betas. 

"Well, I have a migraine, and uh, Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." Isaac says, getting me to giggle and Boyd to roll his eyes. Since the motel, the betas and I have become close. I'm glad I have them to talk to, I don't know what I would do if one of them died. 

"We're here to protect you." Boyd sighs, eye finding his alpha's.

"You're here to protect me? Well, I in trouble then." Derek jokes. 

"Actually, Boyd here came up with a plan." I say, sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up," Boyd says, opening his duffle bag. I wince when he mentions Erica, but I pul my mind off of her as he reveals wires. "Tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that, but on a bigger scale."

I walk over to a hose and turn on the water. I bring the hose, turing water onto the ground, as I explain the plan. "In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human, less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb."

"That's comforting." Derek sighs, watching the water spill onto the floor. 

I drop the hose as I continue. "If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room,the current will keep coming, and anyone who steps foot in the room... Well, lets just say they'll get a shocking surprise." 

"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac adds in approval. 

My phone dings, earning me a look from all of the boys. I sigh and look at the text. I read it over again, just to make sure I was reading it right. 

From Scott: Get to school. URGENT! Deaton was taken.

"Something wrong?" Derek asks, making me turn towards them. 

"Uh, yeah, actually. I gotta-- I gotta go. Will you guys be ok?" I ask. 

"Yeah, we'll be fine." Isaac says, giving me a weird look.

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