Chapter Two

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Percy's POV (this will happen a lot)
I really need to work on keeping secrets. Right now, my father, Zeus, King of the gods (yeah right), is trying to interrogate me in the Olympus throne room, while the rest of the gods look on in interest. "Percy Jackson, who are you really? Stop feeding us this crap of you being everyone's son. It's impossible!" He shouted, his cheeks getting a slight red tint to them. "And magic is? Father, you should get your morals straight." Apollo burst out laughing at this. "He so got my sense of humor, too bad he didn't get my awesome haiku skills." Trying to sound polite I said, "Father, as much as I would love to here your amazing haikus maybe right now is too serious of a moment to become poetic." Apollo looked thoughtful, "Perhaps you are right. Fine, I will save my brilliant haikus for another time." Everyone looked at me like I was a new type of species, one of a kind. "Definitely one of mine." Athena analyzed. "Finally some recognition! I hated having to pretend I was stupid! No offense Dad," I said, directing my last sentence at Poseidon (if I had a family reunion it would get so confusing!) "No offense taken, son," he replied. "Wait, hold up! Did you say that Apollo, my son, is also your father?" A confused Zeus asked. "Yes, my two main parents were really sick like that, but I don't hold it against them. Your grandparents, parents, and children, if they are gods, are either my father or my mother." Aphrodite squealed. "Then I can play with you without consequence, yes!"
(On no. This can't be good) The next thing I know, I'm standing in front of my multiple parents with a black tuxedo with a white bottom up shirt and a light pink tie. "Nooooo! Get it off right now mother! I will not go anywhere in this! Take it off!" I saw a twinkle in her eyes, and then I realized my mistake. "No, wai-" my tux vanished replaced with a tight purple speedo. "Aphrodite! Bring back my normal clothes!" I yelled as I dove behind the closest throne, which was Hermes'. "Never!" She giggled. "Aphrodite! If he truly is my son I don't want you messing with him, unless he gave you permission of course." Zeus said, giving her a glare. "Whatever you wish father," Aphrodite said with sarcasm dripping off every word, she snapped her fingers, and I was back in my original clothes. "I have a question," Poseidon asked," if we all are your parents, why do you look like me and only have my powers?" I laughed, "It seems like father did a good job at hiding me. This isn't actually how I look, and I gain new powers every month, but am unable to use them because of the spell he cast on me." Artemis looked puzzled, "Wouldn't you be able to break the spell by using a new power? What does this spell do in detail?" I thought for a minute. "Well, the spell puts a type of hologram, or second skin around my actual body, so it looks different and you can't tell the difference by touching me. Also, imagine a huge box of, let's just say beads. Each bead symbolizes a power that I hold. Now imagine putting up a wall in between a certain type of bead and all the rest. That is pretty much what this spell is doing, while adding new beads to the mixed section every month. I cannot remove it either, only father can." Hecate butted in, "Who is this father you keep talking about? Is he a minor god?"
(-Father Loki, can I tell the Olympians about you and Father Eros?-
~As long as you make them swear to secrecy on the River Styx, it is alright.~
-Ok, thank you Father Loki!-
~Your welcome, son~)
I looked at everyone in the throne room. "I have been given permission to tell you, but only if you swear on the River Styx to not tell or give hints to anyone outside of this room." I got a chorus of 'I swear on the River Styx not to tell or give hints to anyone outside of this room on what I am about to learn.'s "Well, do you know of any other parthenon that is not Greek or Roman?" Zeus was the first one to answer, "No, the Roman Parthenon and Greek Parthenon are the only two aspects of gods." I nearly fell to the floor in disbelief (He never notices anything about the mortal would, does he?). "There are more than just those two aspects. There is Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Native American, African, Chinese, and so many others. My two main fathers were really busy with gathering everything. But, my main fathers are Loki, Norse god of mischief, shape-shifting, ice, trickery, and fire, and Eros, Greek god of procreation, love, and sexual desire." Zeus looked murderous as he threw his Master Bolt into the air yelling 'Eros!' "Yes, Zeus?" Eros said, standing calmly next to me. (•Don't say anything, I want to explain everything correctly. I'll have Loki take off the spell in a little bit.•
-Ok Dad, but what do I look like? It's been so long that I can't remember.-
There's no need to worry child. You will find out soon enough.•)
"Did you create this god? Is what Percy Jackson said true?" Eros sighed, "Honestly, I had wanted to keep it a secret for a little longer, but now is as good a time as any. Yes, Loki and I both created this young god." Then, he continued to tell them how I was created, with a few questions from my Olympian parents every now and then. I was actually quite glad that I didn't have ADHD at that moment, because I was really curious as to how I was created as well. "So, does anyone have any more questions?" Eros asked, looking kind of tired (I would too if I had to answer that many questions). "I have one. When can Loki take off the spell?" Eros sighed in relief, "Thats easy." He closed his eyes for a second, before shouting, "Close your eyes everyone!" We all obeyed (even Zeus! Unbelievable right?!), and less than a minute later I was on the floor silently screaming and convulsing as my body was literally burned inside and out.

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