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"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has it's own reasons for existing" –Albert Einstein

"Do you remember at one point you were totally obsessed with boobs? Like I was convinced you were going to get implants or something," Harry says one night, laughing into Louis' neck.

"I was so curious about them," Louis giggles. "Remember the threesome with Perrie just to see what it would be like?"

"I nearly forgot about that," Harry says. "Strange night."

"Nice tits, though. Soft," Louis shrugs.

"You're crazy," Harry laughs.

"The vagina thing freaked me out, but boobs are fun," Louis laughs. "Squishy and soft."

"That threesome with Liam was better," Harry shrugs.

"Oh, that was good. God, that was forever ago. Do you think we'd ever do something like that again?" Louis asks, playing with Harry's curls.

"I dunno. I would do whatever you wanted to do, honestly. For me it's just knowing you're happy," Harry says.

"Thanks," Louis blushes slightly. "Good to know."


"Dad? Are you and Pop good again?" Lucas asks Louis on the way to school, his first day. "I saw you kiss this morning. I haven't seen you kiss at all."

"We're not...good yet. But we're a lot better now. Maybe by Christmas Pop and I will be together again," Louis says.

"As long as you two aren't fighting anymore and you're still in love, that's all that matter," Lucas says.

"Yeah, we still love each other very much," Louis says softly, looking at his wedding ring. "We're always going to."

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