Chapter 5

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(Dovekit's POV)

Dovekit opened her wide blue eyes and looked around the nursery, as always she was the first to wake up.
She decided to see if Tigerpaw and Bramblepaw were awake yet and would play with her.
She padded out of the nursery, stretching as she walked.
In camp she saw Bramblepaw and Tigerpaw sharing some fresh kill.
* ew they're eating that stuff again?!* Dovekit decided to sit with them while they ate.
"Dovekit? What are you doing out of the nursery?" Tigerpaw asked Dovekit as she was eating.
"I was just wondering if you and Bramblepaw would play with me! We could play moss ball, just like we used to when you were still in the nursery!" Dovekit shot out the idea.
"Oh.. Dovekit we're really sorry but we're apprentices now. We have duties for the clan we need to stand by. We're just about to go on patrol."
Tigerpaw meowed with sympathy in her voice.
"Yea Dovekit, when you're an apprentice you'll understand." Bramblepaw added
"Well... Okay then." Dovekit slowly made her way back to the nursery.
* don't they like me anymore? * Dovekit thought.
* I didn't do anything wrong, did I?* Dovekit paused for a moment, thinking of what she could do to make Tigerpaw and Bramblepaw like her.
* I know! I'll sneak on the patrol with them and then they'll see I can be an apprentice too!*
Dovekit nodded at the idea.
She swiftly scurried back to where Bramblepaw and Tigerpaw were eating and hid in a nearby bush.
She listened to their conversation.
"Did you sleep okay? Gonna have a lot coming in battle training later today."
Dovekit heard Tigerpaw say in a rather challenging tone.
"Haha, oh ya bring it on." Bramblepaw meowed.
"Tigerpaw! Bramblepaw! We're leaving for patrol now!"
Dovekit looked underneath the high cliff to see some older cats she didn't recognize padding toward the camp entrance, Tigerpaw and Bramblepaw quickly joining them.
*okay this is it* She nervously thought to herself.
Dovekit waited until the patrol was out of camp then quickly bolted out of camp before anyone could spot or stop her.
She was in a beautiful green forest, and could spot the patrol about 7 fox lengths ahead.
* There they are!* Dovekit was so excited she was out of camp.
She bounded towards the patrol, but they were faster and headed to the next border.
"Hey guys, wait up!" Dovekit yelled to the patrol, sadly they were too far ahead for her tiny voice to reach them.
Dovekit sprinted as fast as she could in their direction and eventually found them again at a large stream.
"Wow! This place is cool!" Dovekit said as she bounced up to Bramblepaw.
"Dovekit?! What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to be out of the nursery before dawn let alone out of camp, sneaking into a patrol!" Bramblepaw sounded mad.
*maybe this wasn't the best idea...* Dovekit lowered her head in shame.
"Bramblepaw, since this kit seems so fond of you, you can escort her back to camp safely."
Dovekit heard a larger dark brown cat say.
*that must be Bramblepaw's mentor.* she thought.
"Okay, let's go Dovekit." Bramblepaw meowed in an unenthusiastic tone.
They walked back to camp in silence.
"I'm sorry Bramblepaw... I just wanted you guys to like me. I thought if I showed you I could be an apprentice then you would play with me again."
Dovekits apology lingered for a few seconds before gaining a response from Bramblepaw.
"Dovekit, of course Tigerpaw and I still like you! We're apprentices now so we don't have the time to  play with you. But trust me if I did, I would be playing with you every second of every day." Bramblepaw reassured Dovekit.
Dovekit perked at Bramblepaw's words.
"Really? You would?" Dovekit mewed.
"Of course Dovekit, but you have to understand that you cant be sneaking out of camp like this agreed?" Bramblepaw asked as they passed a large set of cliff's.
"Agreed." Dovekit decided just as they came to the entrance of the camp.
"Okay Dovekit, I can probably still catch the end of the patrol, be good." Bramblepaw quickly meowed as he bounded into the forest.
Dovekit padded back into camp unnoticed.
She peeked in the nursery and found her sister, Moonkit now awake.

(Moonkit's POV)

Moonkit opened her eyes in slits, the early morning light blinding her.
She stretched out her legs and realized her sister, Dovekit wasn't there.
Just then she saw a tiny light grey head poke through the entrance of the nursery.
"Dovekit? Why were you out of the nursery so early?" Moonkit asked her sister.
"Oh! I um, was just... Saying goodbye to Bramblepaw and Tigerpaw! They're going on a patrol." Moonkit could easily tell her sister was lying.
"Come on Dovekit, the truth." Moonkit was hurt that her sister felt she needed to lie to her.
"Fine.." Dovekit mumbled while padding over to Moonkit.
"Tigerpaw and Bramblepaw never play with us anymore and I thought if I showed them I could go on patrol that they would see I'm not just some silly kit." Dovekit continued
"In the end I realized sneaking out of camp was a bad idea, and Bramblepaw explained to me that he needs to train to become a warrior so that he can protect his clan." Dovekit finished looking rather unsure of herself.
"Don't worry Dovekit, soon we'll be apprentices too!" Moonkit tried to cheer up her sister.
"But 2 whole moons is so long to wait! I'll be joining the elders before I become an apprentice!" Dovekit meowed, clearly exaggerating.
"Don't worry, I bet 2 moons will go by in a flash." Moonkit meowed, more to reassure herself than her sister.
Elkstar's voice rang throughout the camp. He was calling a clan meeting.
"Probably Rainkit, Robinkit, Sunkit, and Lightkit's apprentice ceremony." Dovekit mumbled unhappily.
Moonkit watched the gathering from the entrance of the nursery.
She saw Glowpaw, Bearpaw, and Nimblepaw line up in front of Elkstar.
* Wow, three new warriors... This is going to be one long ceremony. * Moonkit thought to herself.
Nimblepaw was to go first.
"I, Elkstar leader of Stormclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.
Nimblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
Moonkit watched as Nimblepaw answered the question that would change her life.
"I do." Nimblepaw responded, sounding completely certain of herself.
"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Nimblepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Nimblestep. Starclan honours your brave virtues, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Stormclan."
The clan was buzzing with happy chatter as Elkstar repeated the ceremony with Bearpaw and Glowpaw, who were now known as Bearclaw and Glowflame.
As Elkstar finished the last ceremony the clan cheered the new warriors names.
"Nimblestep! Bearclaw! Glowflame!" The clan cheered.
* Wow, the apprentice den sure is filling up fast, soon Rainkit, Robinskit, Sunkit, and Lightkit will be joining the den...*
The new warriors parents, Emberheart and Darlingdust were glowing with pride that their tiny kits, had grown into young warriors
"You three are to sit vigil tonight, until then, do as you wish."
Elkstar dismissed the cats with a flick of his tail.
"That'll be us some day Dovekit." Moonkit glanced over at her sister to find her staring back at Moonkit.
"It sure will."

~ later that night ~

Moonkit sighed as she realized her mother Swanlight would want her to be getting to sleep soon.
Dovekit and Robinkit were playing moss ball while Lightkit, Sunkit and Rainkit were already asleep in the nursery.
The clans excitement had faded and almost everybody was padding into their dens to get some rest.
As Moonkit watched some senior warriors enter their den, she saw Nimblestep, Bearclaw, and Glowflame walk out to begin their vigil.
Not long after that the kits were called into the nursery to get some sleep.
Moonkit padded into the nursery, dragging her tired paws behind her as she went.
She let out a yawn as her and Dovekit curled up beside each other.
"Goodnight Dovekit." Moonkit mumbled, half asleep already.
As Moonkit's mind wandered, she barely heard Dovekit's response as she drifted to sleep.
"Sweet dreams Moonkit."

Moonkit woke up in the nursery.
Everyone was still fast asleep.
She peered out the nursery entrance and saw Nimblestep, Bearclaw, and Glowflame sitting in the deserted camp, still on their vigil.
Moonkit didn't know why, but she felt the urge to keep watching the 3 warriors sit on vigil, as if it were like a show.
Moonkit's gaze drifted to the camp entrance.
She saw a chunk of fur through the bramble.
A pelt she didn't recognize as a cats came into view.
*what is that?* Moonkit wondered.
* Dear Starclan... Is that a badger? No, it's too tall, too skinny.* Moonkit decided
*it almost looks like, like a dog! But that things not a dog...*
Moonkit stared in horror as the grey beast slunk into camp, unnoticed by the half asleep warriors.
Suddenly Moonkit wasn't in the nursery anymore.
She was out in the middle of camp.
She looked around in horror. The dog like creatures surrounded her, their teeth already stained with blood.
"Help!" Moonkit's small voice was barely audible to her own ears over the growling of the other creatures.
"Somecat help me!" Moonkit screeched as the creatures closed in on her and she took her last breath.

Moonkit woke up in a cold sweat.
* it was all a dream, it was all a dream.*
Moonkit calmed herself.
Suddenly Bearclaw's voice rang throughout the camp. "WOLF!"

( So.... That was chapter 5. I'm honestly not very happy with how this chapter turned out but what can ya do. I'm really excited for chapter 6 though ;) Do you guys think I should kill off one of the new warriors (i.e. Nimblestep, Bearclaw, Glowflame) in the next chapter? I'm definitely going to be killing off someone, dunno if it should be one of them though. Let me know what you think in the comments. Just wanted to clarify that I have absolutely no idea how long I want this book to be. So if we get to chapter 15 and Dovekit and Moonkit still aren't warriors, don't be worried, it really doesn't matter to me how long it is. The only thing that matters is that you guys are still loving the book. I'm sorry if you find the first couple chapters a bit of a bore, there is really so much I need to build up to. Don't worry though, I'd say things are about to get a lot more interesting ;) I suppose that's all I wanted to say J's. Taking the time to vote would be greatly appreciated, once again, no pressure ;)
See you in the next chapter! (>^_^)>

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