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Melissa Irwin

"I'll just sleep on the couch in the living room" I say after discussing about where George and Caitlin will be sleeping. "Okay" Ashton says and drops his body on the couch. "Okay kids, time for bed!" I say. I pick up George from Calum's lap and sign to Caitlin that she has to come with me. "Michael do you wanna bring me to beddy?" Caitlin begs Mike pulling a puppy dog face. "Okay sweetie" he says picking her up and walking upstairs behind me. He is really sweet to her. I walk over to my door and let George open it. "You'll be sleeping in my bed, so please be carefull and don't break anything." I tell them and help George change in his pajama as Michael does the same with Caitlin. We brush their teeth in the bathroom and tuck them in. "Goodnight sweeties" I say kissing both their foreheads as Michael does the same. "Goodnight" he says as we walk out the door switching the lights off. I close the door behind me and walk back downstairs behind Michael. "Hopefully they will be sleeping now" I say slightly relieved. "Why don't we all sleep in the living room?" Michael suggests. "That's a great idea!" Calum shout a bit over reacting. "I'll get the mattresses down" Ashton says walking to the hallway. "I wanna sleep next to Mel!" Michael shouts smiling at me. "No I want to!" "Oh no Calum and Michael, please don't start a fight about who's sleeping beside me" I warn them and they go silent and sit down. Haha I got them in my power. A few moments later we hear some stumbling coming from the hallway. "Guys I need some help!" We hear Ashton shouting after some cursing. I run my way to the hallway an stop when I see Ashton hanging upside down on the stairs with two mattresses. One crossed over his legs and one almost touching floor where his head is resting on. I burst out in laughter and help my brother getting up form the stairs. "I hope you didn't wake the princess because she can be really annoying when she doesn't get her beauty sleep" I joke about Caitlin. Before we even get the chance to start laughing I hear someone scream my name from upstairs. "MEL!" I give Ashton a glare "This is your fault" I say and walk upstairs. Shaking my ass a bit too much. "Wow that ass" I hear someone say from behind me. I'm sure it was Michael. I roll my eyes and walk over to my door leaving the boys speechless down stairs helping Ashton with the mattresses. I walk over to my bed and see Caitlin sitting straight up. "I heard some noise down stairs and I got scared" she wines. "There is nothing wrong" I say taking her in a hug. "Can I give Mikey a kissy?" She asks with the cutest smile ever. Damn. "Ofcourse he is down stairs" I pick her up and carry her with me. "Mikeeyyyy!" She screams when we reach the living room. I put her down and she runs straight to Michael who is laying on one of the mattresses. "Hey princess, what's wrong?" He asks lifting her up on his lap. "I want kissy" she says smiling at him. "Okay but only if you promise me you'll go sleepy now" he says and she heavily nods her little head. He gives her a quick kiss an d get's up carrying Caitlin. "I'll take care of it" he says winking to me. "Thanks" I say back and drop my body on the mattress who is in front of the tv where Michael was chilling before he got up to bring Caitlin back to bed. I move my body a little up so I can sit straight in between luke's legs who is sitting on the couch. "So did you already sorted out who's sleeping next to me?" I joke at the boys sitting on the couch behind me. "Nope" Calum says switching channels with the remote. I giggle and look up to Luke and he winks at me. Don't what that was for but oh well. Ashton walks back in with some drinks and snacks for this night. "Calum could you help me with the other mattresses?" Ashton asks and they walk away leaving me and Luke alone. I feel the couch moving behind me and suddenly Luke is sitting on my lap, his legs on each side of my body. He smirks. "What are you doing?" I ask him giggling. "I like your front better than your back" he says winking again. "So when are we going on that date?" He suddenly spits out scratching the back of his head. "I'm free tomorrow night?" I say. "That's great! You won't regret this"

Ashton and Calum came back with more mattresses and Michael finally got Caitlin to sleep. He is a legit hero. "It 8:30 what are we gonna do?" Luke asks. "We could just watch a movie?" Ashton says looking at each person in the living room. We all agree. "NO HORROR!" I say very serious pointing out my finger to Ashton. "Aww, Melissa get's scared really fast?" Calum teases me. "N-no, I just don't like it" I start blushing. "We could also watch a comedie or something else" Luke agrees with me. "Nooo, I want horror!" Michael fake cries. "No please, I won't sleep for weeks!" I beg him. "I'll protect you" Luke says wrapping his arms around me. The boy start laughing. "The one who is most terrified by horror movies is gonna have to protect a girl" Ashton shouts in laughter. "Okay let's do something else, cause this is not gonna work" Calum says. I agree with him an so do the other boys.


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