Chapter Ten

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I woke up from my slumber and stretched vertically yawning loudly but as I continued stretching I heard a massive thump on the floor as I stop what I’m doing and looked at the floor to see Jack groaning on the floor holding his elbow. I must’ve knocked him over while I’m stretching. “Oh my gosh baby I’m so sorry,” I whispered/shouted at him as I jump down and help him up as he yelped when I touched his elbow. I held his hand and walked to the first aid kit, as there was a bandage in it. I took the bandage out but and went to the little freezer and brought over a pack of peas to his elbow. He held it over his elbow as I got the bandage and wrapped it over the pack and elbow so he wouldn’t need to hold it. I kissed his forehead and pulled an apologetic look at it. “I’m so sorry are you well enough to play? Should I take you to a doctor?” I asked worriedly.

“Jas I’m going to be fine don’t worry and its all right accidents happen,” He said and cuddled me into his side kissing my hair. “You’re roots are beginning to show, when the bus stops can we buy you dye and please can I do it!” He squealed like a little girl and giving me the big brown puppy dog eyes as I giggled at him.

“Okay what colour do you want me to buy?” I asked. He thought for a minute and pointed his finger to the air as I looked at him for the idea.

“Brown,” He said.

“Brown?” I repeated. “Why brown?” I asked. I haven’t had my hair naturally since I was 16 and I was allowed to dye my hair any colour I want.

“Because it will show the real you,” He said with a genuine smile. I smiled back and thought about it.

“Can I have red highlights?” I asked.

“Nope all brown please.” He pleaded and I nodded my head. Brown it is.

The bus stopped for a pit stop and the boys were still sleeping since they have a long night for their set and is the very last one on the main stage. Jack and I headed to a local Wal-Mart to get a nice chocolate brown hair colour. We bought the dye and the bus started up again and informed us that we will be in Chicago in another 4 hours. You would think that they would tour each state next to each other but no we have to go anywhere for the venue to be free. (A/N I don’t know if this is actually true but this is a FICTIONAL story so yeah haha) I grabbed a worn out towel and wrapped it round my neck to stop the dye to go onto my clothes. I watched Jack reading the instructions and put the ingredients into their place until he put the rubber gloves on and I felt worried. Jack Barakat is going to dye my hair, the Jack Barakat that is hyper all the time and sometimes can get out of control especially when he’s drunk. I shook off the worry and let Jack dye my hair but it’s going to be weird seeing my hair natural again.

I watched the rest of the excess hair dye in the shower and dried my hair until it went in loose curls cascading down my back and my side fringe fixated on my forehead. I put a nice faint orange beanie on my head with my initials on the bottom that a fan gave me for my 20th birthday last year. I put on light foundation over my face, mascara and eyeliner that makes my brown eyes pop. I put a nice pink lip- gloss that Jeffree gave me. I smiled at my reflection and looked at myself deeply. I’m…me. I feel…me. I’m so happy about it and Jack has done the best job of it too. I open the bathroom door and run towards to Jack ignoring everyone else as I cuddle into his neck. “Thank you,” I whispered.

My Brother's Best Friends (Jack Barakat and Zack Merrick Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant