Chapter 21: Gohan VS Clay - Limited Lifespan!

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Author's Note:

I think I got a little bit rush yesterday which was why I made a mistake by posting it twice... =_=

Chapter 21: Gohan VS Clay – Limited Lifespan!

It was tremendously ridiculous as the saiyan prince felt his pride being pushed down by a terrible ki, even when the ki was far away from where he was.

What is this?! Aside from Clay's ki, Kakarotto's brat had changed his ki! What the hell is with his ki? T-This is Kakarotto's brat? THAT BRAT?! That's not possible! How can his strength still grow even further after all the 7 years of lacking in training?!

"Vegeta!" Goku's voice entered in. "Take the earth dragon balls with you when you reached there!"

Vegeta was a little confused. "What?"

"Shenron can be revived later so we need to get the dragon balls first. Since you're on the way there, you're the only one who can get the balls!" Goku explained.

Vegeta hated to be ordered but there was nothing for him to be choosing about. This is horrible. Clay and Gohan's ki is far stronger than himself, which frustrated him. But the situation is definitely not good. "Tch! Whatever! As long as this will not make you waste your one day to come back!" That's right. My goal is Kakarotto. Nothing can stop me from fighting against him. NOTHING!

"Oh yeah, when you reach there, try not to go near Gohan. He had lost his mind and is extremely dangerous!"


Of course he was aware of that. Who wouldn't feel that ki that just overtaken all of Clay's current strength?! So it's really that KID huh? "What's wrong?! Explain to me what happened to Gohan!"

For one second, Goku paused and hesitated as he knew it would hurt his pride. But he got to accept that for now. Besides, he's going to see Gohan's appearance later when he reached there. He couldn't hide even if he wants to. "He's now in supersaiyan 3, Vegeta."

"!" Vegeta flinched.

It was an expected reaction. He did not expect that Gohan's ki that had changed was due to his next form! "What?! Does that mean you can go beyond supersaiyan 2?!"

"…yeah." Goku replied softly. "But I can control it unlike Gohan."

"Damn!" he ignored the latter as he was unpleased to hear that. He doesn't care about Gohan firstly so he's more concerned about Goku. It frustrated him that Kakarotto was always ahead of HIM. Despite of his long training, he had no idea there was another transformation! And Kakarotto was the first to transform into that stage?!

"You're not idiot, Vegeta. You should know how well not to approach Gohan." Goku warned. "I can't last more than 10 minutes against Gohan in that stage, even if I had to go beyond stage 2."


Vegeta clenched heavily, till blood that was flowing out from his flesh. He was mad, but he knew he can't afford to release his anger out right now. He knew that by looking at this situation, there was nothing that he can do if even Goku said that.


The battle was intense. The noises of the fight were heavy. Clay, who had just sworn that he's going to send Gohan to hell, was now losing as he was only dodging the attacks from Gohan. He did send some attacks back to the teen, but all he felt was his fists that were in pain, as if he just hit a hard diamond that doesn't even scratch. Aside from that, he was burning from the fact that Gohan's snicker to him was a sign of his defeat.

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