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hours went by the queen still taking over the world she made a castle out of her powers and had humans working the mines.

"hahahahahahahahaha yes it's so good to be back in power" she sat on her thrown "And i have you to thank Vlad my dearest","yes my queen but there is no word for the guards about the rebel prisoners but we are still looking my queen" she slammed her hands down "THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH THERE'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE FIND MY TWIN BROTHER AND DO YOU WANT THAT MY DEAREST","Of course not my queen i don't want that at all" vlad bowed down and kissed the queen's hand don't worry my queen we will find them" Vlad and the queen became to kiss vlad carried her to the master bedroom layed her down and kissed her neck and started to rub her fast the queen rubbed vlad has he fingered her really hard untill she was ready. the queen was hot and sweating from the pleasure vlad pulled out his long 13 inch dick and slide into her she moaned "O vlad yes" Vlad thrusted h ard and fast with every inch that went in her "Faster please faster","yes my queen". Vlad went faster and harder until he was ready to climax and she was ready to climax they climax a load of cum it was everywhere they breathed heavily and held each other for a very long time and fell asleep.

The next morning the guards check the slaves the prisoners worked all day and night they were dirty and they looked like they were getting really sick and getting worse by the day. "My queen we looked everywhere in the kingdom but no sign of the rebels","what do you mean you couldn't find them it's not like they vanish into thin air","be calm my dearest vlad i know you want the to be dead soon but we have to think like a commaner or more say like a rebel what is one place that no royal person will go?"

One of the guards spoke "to a ball???" "NO YOU BAKA!!!!! THE SEWER THE SEWER, Baka no aru heya de watashi no yoi mo","My queen please calm yourself" the queen nodded and breathed in and out she told the guards to leave she sat in her chair "vlad be dear and please get me a nice cup of tea please and need it''

Vlad nodded and went to get some tea for her he brought it back to her with a lemon and some sugar she smiled and sipped her tea all she could think about was finding those back stabbing rebels and kill them so spoke "Watashi wa sorera no hangyakusha o koroshimasu"


they rebels slept Death woke up and heard foot steps he grew his dead slaves and woke everyone up "guys wake up we have to run" they woke up fast saw the guards and began to run death order is slaves to fight off the guards while they ran scar spoke "ok we need to find the queen's brother and fast',"but he could be dead by no" they all laughed a lil "no way he's a vampire he's still alive somewhere we just need to know where" they continued running "maybe he's at the old rebel hideout he has to be there there's no other place he would be" they all nodded and ran west to find the hideout and to find the evil queen's brother.


they ran for 14 hours and they found the hideout they looked at the sign it said Shimedashimasu

they looked at they signed Scar spoke "ok i'm just going to say it does anyone know how to read japanese???","it says keep out" everyone looked at death "Death you read japanese??","yea i can speak it to yea but it says keep out".

they looked around for a door and all of a sudden the fell in a trap door into a net and saw a vampire we still looks like a teen but still an old vampire he spoke "Dare ga anata odeari, anata wa kono basho o mitsukeeru nodesu ka" they looked at death so he translate "Jaakuna joo ga kaette kimashita" they looked them then rebel leader finally spoke in english "S-snow is back i thought i locked her away...","well she's out and she took over your grand niece she's destroying everything why is doing this sir"

he breathed in and out "Please call me Storm that evil queen is my twin sis snow your...asking why she's doing this well she was born with amazing power just like you all but our elders saw a great evil in her,they wanted to take her power away and they wanted me to do it but i couldn't she was my sister so i didn't take her powers. but over the years her powers grew and her power took over her i had no choice but to fight agaisnt the sister i loved and lock her away now she's free how is this possible???????????"

"well storm a guy name Vlad awaken her and now she's taking over Raven please help us","i can't face my sister again i just can't" Death smacked storms face heard "YOU HAVE TO HELP US YOUR SISTER HAS TAKING OVER MY SISTER I CAN FEEL HER PAIN AND SORROW I CAN THE FEEL HER TEARS IN MY DREAMS CAN YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THAT FEELS UNCLE!!!!!" storm eyes watered "yes i felt snow's pain when i locked her in that necklace in her eyes i betrayed her and she's right i have"

julien wiped his eyes because he was crying a lil "then help us and we will help you get through to your sister we can save Raven and her now what do you say please help us" Storm nodded "ok i'll help you i don't want this to repeat ever again". they all got weapons and spells and began walking to the castle hopping they will be able to save their friend.

"So um Storm were you and snow close it seems like you were??","yes i was very close with my sister and then out of the blue we grew apart and i saw my sweet sister again that's all i really want" everyone nodded and Death spoke "don't worry we will get Snow back and Raven back i promise".


the castle was quiet the queen was happy she had her kingdom back and a man to make love to her every night she looked out the window saw the rebels she smiled "o they are here to seek their doom" she watched and saw her brother she spoke "Ani how dare you come back how dare you lock me away,Vlad my dearest get ready for some blood to be split","yes my queen" Vlad got up got dressed and got the guards ready for battle

"ok storm what's the plan to take the castle those two are powerful","they are but snow has a weakness and it's me when she first took over the world she didn't attack me she attack my other rebels she never wants to see me hurt even when we were fighting with our parents she would never let anyone hurt me" dawn looked and saw the guards and Vlad come to us she gripped her bow hard "he took raven from us he's going to pay","woah Dawn you can't fight him remember he's stronger now so please wait for Storm's single ok","ok fine Julien but i want raven back" Julien nodded they all went behind a big rock and waited.

"so Storm your back the queen isn't very happy that your back","And i'm not very happy that you fucking freed my sister how dare you make her suffer again","Suffer?? my dear sir she's not suffering she's very happy unlike you we trapped her in that necklace for so many years!!!!" Storm gripped his hands hard "YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND PUTTING MY SISTER BACK IN HER SUFFERING ISN'T GOOD FOR HER THIS MAKING HER PAIN MUCH WORSE I HOW DARE YOU","no how dare you ani come back after all these years you took my life away from","i had no choice you were destroying our families home i had to stop you"

the queen eyes turned red she grew poison trees "ANATA O KOROSHIMASU" she made the trees go after the rebels dawn sliced one of trees in half "ha is that all you go you bitch i'm going to kill you". Dawn began slices all the trees heading for the queen Death jumped on her "what are you doing","remember storm told us to wait for his signal we will save her just wait".

all of sudden the queen made vines made the grab everyone they screamed the queen tighten the vines grip "hahahaha how do like failing this time you see you can't beat me i will always win fear that was inside me is gone" "NO NOT TRUE RAVEN ALWAYS HAD FEAR IN HER" the queen went over to dawn and tighten the vines more "And what do you know about fear you lil vampire bitch?!","i know that the raven we know would tell us when she's scared she wouldn't hide her fear so how dare you say fear is out of you because if it was you would have been killed us!!!!". "Dawn has a point if you didn't have fear in you we would be dead by now","Julien is right it's Raven's fear that's stopping you from killing and you say the fear is gone"

the queen's eyes went to normal she felt confused and hurt at the same time "y-you don't know anything you don't know nothing" "sis i know i hurt you but let me fix it let me free you from this pain please so we can live together again like you wanted" the queen nodded and the hero's down she landed on her feet and looked at storm.

:the end of the pain

storm put the necklace on her Snow and Raven began to split snow had her body again and hugged her brother her pain was again she couldn't believe it was over "sis i' m happy you are back" snow was happy snow began to love vlad and vlad began to love snow they protected the world from evil their powers grew to protect the world nothing could be better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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