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Chapter 3

Alexandria is walking back in forth "Alexandria sit have some tea it will calm your nerves,it always help out with Jason and Julien's nerves"."Thank you Luna". i sipped the tea "It's really good i'm just really worried it's been hours and they haven't waking up yet". I sipped my tea onces more,"I know Jason and Julien are cleaning up the mess that earthquacke made","I don't know Luna i felt like someone made the house shake,and if someone did do that why did it only knock out Raven and Dawn".

Luna nodded unsure why that happen until Julien came in "Maybe because Raven and Dawn can get vesions that's their main power and if their knocked out they can't tell us who is after us" Alexandria and Luna nodded "Yea that really makes good since i just hope we find out who's after us before it's to late.

Julien went to check on raven and dawn with a tray of food hoping they will be awake he walked in and saw Raven awake."Hey Raven your awake i brough you some food alexandria said you liked toast eggs and bacon" Raven smiled at him and nodded "thank you Julien your really nice um how long have i been out".Julien looked at the clock "you been out for 14 hours without eating eat up hopefully Dawn will wake up as well when your done we will be in the living room see you there",i smiled at raven and left room happy that she was awake so i could tell them that Raven was awake.

"HEY GUYS GUYS GUYS!!! Raven is awake" "o thank god we thought she never wake and we hope dawn wakes up soon".

All of sudden they saw raven and dawn come down Dawn looked so scared "Dawn are you ok what happen??" Dawn sat down and catched her breathe "I-I-I-I-I-I-I saw these....vampires....called the Death Crow.....they had us tied up....and we couldn't move...i didn't see what happen next i woke up before i saw the rest".

Everyone eyes were widen they were sweating they couldn't believe on what they just heard jason spoke "What were they doing to us were they going to kill us?","i don't know i woke up before i could see the rest of the vision but i did see that we were by a volcano we were in a house by a volcano".

Everyone looked at each other "a volcano?? where can we find a house with a volcano there's a lot of places with volcano's like shit we have a volcano near us","Alexandria is right was like an island with a volcano??"

everyone looked at dawn hopefully she would give them a good answer

"No but um the house...did have symbol it had a crow with a skull on it thats all i really saw in the dream" Dawn saw Raven the house and showed to dawn "Like this??","Yes like that it looks just like that"> Raven showed it to everyone they nodded.

"O ok guys find any house near a island that has this symbol and if you see run back here understand" "but wait Alexandria how do we know if this house is on an island or not??","You do have point maybe we should wait till dawn has other dream or vision"

they all nodded and began to get ready the grabbed pillows and layed on the floors and couches just hopping they can stop we is after them.

Hours went by Julien,Luna,Jason,Dawn,Alexandria,and Raven fell asleep all of sudden Raven and Dawn started shaking screaming in their sleep everyone woke up and ran to them as fast as they could. "Raven Dawn wake up" Luna shaked them hard they woke up breathing hard raven spooked loud "IT'S ON A ISLAND THE HOUSE IS ON A ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Calm Raven you said an island can you tell us which island we have 4 near here" Dawn spoke "It's one that you can't get to by swimming or boat it's in the air","Dawn you don't mean the...","yes i mean the floating island the death crow vampires who want to kill us live on the floating island 15 miles from here..."

The gang couldn't believe their ears they were scared unsure how to beat this but they knew if they were coming they had to practice more so that's what they did the gang began to train.

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