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Chapter 5

Death brought in some food and looked at Raven seen that she's been crying for hours at the most he sat the plate down in front of her and spoke to her "Hey eat up you must be hungry you have to eat save up your strength"

"How can i eat when my hands are handcuffed to bars???","o good point i forgot that you are handcuffed".Death unhandcuffed her hands and handcuffed her feet so she wouldn't get away,"Why did you guys kidnapped me for are you going to kill me?!?!?!". Death looked at Raven and shocked his head "No we are not going to kill you our leader Vlad needs your power to become ruler of the world and he wants you to rule by his side doesn't that sound nice".

"NO!!!!!!!!! it doesn't sound nice at all he can't force me to marry him i don't love him i will never be hid b-bri" Raven's words were cut off when she heard a loud claw sound she looked up, "Well you don't seem to have choice baby doll because what Vlad wants he gets and he will kill anyone and anything that gets in his way even you sweet cheeks". Death nodded "well put scar well get up Vlad wants to see you in this blue dress so hurry up so i can help you get ready and no funny business or scar will scar you with his poison claws got that??",Raven nodded and tears fell she began to eat her food slowly.

after Raven ate Death and Poison helped her in her dress and handcuffed her hands again and began walking downstairs seeing Vlad sipping wine."Thank you boys you may leave,now raven do you wanna know why i kidnapped you??","Yes i do you bastard". Vlad smiled evily "Well what a very strong vocab you have hehe well my dear i kidnapped you because i want power that you hold inside you and i want you has my lovely sexy bride if you say yes i'll if you all the riches if you say no well let's say i'm going to have you by force so which one will it be?????"

Raven kicked the wine out his hand i rather die then become your bride you cowardly bastard", Vlad lifted Raven up with his powers chocking her"hmmm the fire in you will die down and you will be mine soon enough even if i have to take you anyway possible". Vlad ripped the dress open to where her boobs would show Raven screamed loud "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!!!". Vlad put her down and grabbed her face smiling "You are mine i don't care if you like it or not you are mine got that" Raven nodded and breathes heavily trying not to cry in front of vlad.

"Posoin can you please take Raven to the bathroom she needs a nice warm bath so she can decide on her decision of being my bride","Of course Vlad no problem". Raven followed Posion "Hey raven a word for advice next time say yes because Vlad does not take no for a damn answer believe me we all said no to him and it did not end well just next time do want he ask of you"

Raven nodded sitting in the warm tub "I'll try to he's just so scary and mean but i'll try" Poison nodded and went to get her some towels and night clothes has she began to wash up she heard a voice it sounded like Dawn. "Dawn is that you???","Yes it's me are ok where are you we are worried about we are going to save you so tell us where you are".

"n-n0 i can't they will hurt you i seen their power they are stronger than us that you wouldn't believe so please don't come please",everything was quiet for a moment Dawn spoke again "But Raven what if they....","no just please don't come get strong much stronger please" "ok we will keep train just hang on just a little while longer ok??". Raven nodded "don't worry i'm strong they can't break me" Dawn stopped talking Raven wiped her face and began cleaning herself putting on the night clothes and falling asleep hoping this nightmare would be over for good.

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