Chapter 31

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Jacks POV:

We left Hawaii and we got back home . Quickly Katherine shut me out . She wouldn't talk to me . Nope ! Nothing .

She would take of Joseph, kiss me on the cheek and walk to her study .

"Katherine? There you are .... I've been -" then Katherine cut me off .

"I'm tired ..., Joseph is asleep in going to bed " Katherine said taking a nightgown from the drawer and changing in the bathroom .

"Katherine, honey ? What's wrong ?" I asked her when she came back into the room .

"Nothing .... I'm tired " Katherine told me as she brushed out her hair .

"Katherine your keeping yourself away from me ! You kiss me on the cheek and leave . You pay more attention to Medda than you do to me . Katherine did I do something wrong ?" I asked her .

"You didn't do anything Jack I did" she said .

"What did you do Katherine? It can't be that bad ."

"Promise me you won't be mad .... Promise " she said .

I sat down and promised . "Okay no what ?"

"I was at the doctors for a check up .... And I saw Darcy . I yelled at him over and over again telling him to go see Violet to leave our home and all .... Then -"

"Then what Katherine?" I asked afraid .

"He kissed me .... And I tried to shake him off .... Then ... He shoved his tongue in my mouth. He then pushed me against a wall and yelled at me for not marrying him and being pregnant " she told me in tears .

"Katherine, I'm not mad at you. He should be over Joseph by now" I said holding her .

"But that's the thing.... Jack .... I'm pregnant " she said looking at me .

"Wait , how ? We haven't since we made Joe " I said taking this all in .

"No , in Hawaii , that day at the beach in the morning . It was quick I'll say that but we definitely did that and I'm pregnant " she said .

"How long have you know ?"

"A week or so " she said with a teary voice .

"Katherine you should of told me "

"I know .... But I'm not sorry . I didn't even really think it was real . Honey ... Two babies . Joseph is barely two months ... Jack are we ready ? Most women can't have children for another six
Months or so . But I'm having another and I'm terrified. Jack I can't do this " she cried into my shoulder .

"Are you sure ? Katherine do you wanna ... Get rid of it ?" I asked her holding her close .

"No , I just don't want all this pressure ! Jack I'm 18 and I'm queen and I'll be a mother to two children " Katherine said . I put an arm around her .

"We'll do this together. You won't be alone . I promise " I said to her rocking her in my arms .

"For sure ?"
"For sure .... I love you Katherine, and I love Joseph and this baby too "

"So we're going to do this ? Have a baby ? Another one ?" Katherine asked

"Of course... Hey , maybe this one will be another boy ! I'll beat Luis on the baseball field !" I joked . She smiled and kissed me .

"Two babies .... Two -" she said but I interrupted her .

"Two baby Kellys " I kissed her .

"Let's tell the family in the morning " she said I smiled and kissed her and we went to bed.

"Hmm ?"
"I'm going to kick Darcy's ass next time I see him " I said she chuckled and we went to sleep .

Katherine's POV :

We woke up , by my throwing up .
I got dressed and ready to go.

"Good morning you three " Medda sang as we walked in with Joseph. Jack handed me a shawl and I began to feed Jackson .

The family was used to it by now . And in fact my mother would say how she missed being the only one who could feed us children .

"Like when Katherine was first learning to drink ! She spilled my milk out of her mouth all over Joseph !" My mother said recalling on my younger years .

"Guys , we have some news " Jack said . Oh now we're gonna do it .

"Now you all know we went to Hawaii -" Jack began .

"No Jackson ! We are not moving the capital to Hawaii ! " Medda yelled at him across the hall .

"No , mom , Medda , Jonas .... I'm pregnant " I said . Everyone the opened their jaws and their eyes widened .

"Another baby ? " my mother asked . I nodded .

"When did this happen ?" Medda asked taking a sip of coffee .

"In Hawaii " Jack smiled at me .

"And your 100 percent sure ?" My mother asked knowing how hard it was for is to get Joseph.

"Yes I've taken like 12 tests. There will be another Kelly !" I smiled .

"Kathy ? Jack ? Where do babies come from ?" Jonas asked . Jack and I laughed hysterically.

"Jonas .... I'll talk to you about when your older " My mother sighed .

"Well ... Are you ready for another baby ?" Medda asked .

"Yes .... We've talked about it and we're excited !" Jack told her .

Jack and I were getting ready to tell the public . My stomach was now nesting a new baby .

"Hello ! I'm George Willems ! Today we have live breaking news from the King and Queen themselves ! Good morning your majesties !"  The. Anchor said .

The camera panned to us . Jack having an arm around me and Joseph in my arms .

"Thank you George ... Now while our son Joseph is just two months yesterday we discovered Queen Katherine is with child .... Again !" Jack said to the camera .

"Expect a new Royal highness sometime in September! " I said as well .

Joseph began to giggle and laugh which earned some "Awwws" from the camera crew .

"Thank you , back to you George " Jack said .

The camera turned off and I handed Joseph to Jack .

"Hey ? What's this for ?" He asked the baby in his hands moving around .

"I'm only carrying one of your children " I said and laughed .

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