Chapter 16

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Katherine's POV :
We got to the car at the airport . Jack had the keys ."I'm driving " Jack said and opened the door for me . I quickly got in and snapped my seat belt . Jack , with the help of Jack of course .

Once we got inside I saw my mother sitting in a chair crying and Jonas hugging her . "Mom ?" I said . She shook her head . Jack and I walked in his room .

"Daddy ?" I said kneeling down "hi " cough " sweetheart " cough "Oh daddy , your gonna be okay. Your a Pulitzer . We're stubborn " I said "Katherine , If I die -" "you won't die " "no , if I die I want you to promise me that you'll bring Jonas and your mother to live with you two and Medda in New York " "I promise Daddy " I said "your very beautiful dear " he said tucking a hair behind my ear . "Thank you daddy , I love you " I said "I see your wearing that locket " "yeah , I was re reading all the letters you wrote me from when I was younger " "really , I'm so sorry about how horrible and mean I was to you when you were younger " "it's okay daddy , it's the past. " "listen , I love you , and back then is as a horrible father " "daddy you were just stressed " "Katherine , can I have a word with Jack quickly ?" "okay I'm gonna check on mom " I said and kissed his cheek .

Jack kissed my forehead when's I went out of the room.

Jacks POV :
"Sir ?" "Come here Jackson " he said to me . I kneeled down to his level . "You really care for her don't you ?" "Yes sir " "Promise you'll bring Amelia and Jonas to New York with you two " "I promise have plenty of room " "and promise me " he said and began to cough more . "Promise me ............ That you'll take good care of my daughter " "I promise sir " "you treat her the way she needs to be treated " "of course sir" "she's my only daughter .... I was a horrible father to her and now I can be good but I'm dying " "I understand sir " "also , when you have children please .... Take care of my grandchildren so much better than I ever did go my children . Also please treat Jonas like a brother " "of course " "and help my poor wife " "of course sir " "thank you " "of course " "Could you bring them in please ?" "Yes sir " I said and walked out .

"Hello " Joe said to them all "Joseph" "Amelia , I love you so much dear " "and I love you darling " Amelia said and kissed his lips sweetly "Come here Jonas" Jonas then walked over to his father's bed "Daddy loves you very much " Joe said "I love you too daddy " Jonas said and hugged him . "Katherine?" Joe called Katherine walked to he father . He wiped around some tears and kissed her cheek . "I love you dear . Your going to be the best queen the world as ever seen" Joe said . "And Jack ?" I walked over and stood next to Katherine "please take care of my family . Bring them home " "Of course sir " I said and shook his hand . His heart rate started to beep slowly . Katherine held onto me and her mother held onto my other side who's Jonas held onto Katherine's leg . Amelia cried into my shoulder and so did Katherine. "He's gone " I said . Amelia cried harder . We walked out and Jonas began to cry . He cried the loudest. I picked him up and placed him on my hip .

"It's okay Jonas , your dads in heaven now " I said rubbing his back as Amelia and Katherine hugged sadly . "Jack ?" Jonas asked "Hm ?" "Is heaven a nice place " "it's wonderful . That's where my parents are " I said . Jonas sighed and hugged me .

"I promise I'll take care of them" I said quietly up to the sky .


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