Chapter 30

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Katherine's POV :

Luis and Marie insisted on them taking the boys to some baby place .

They left around 9:30 and currently Jack and I were still lying in bed . We couldn't bring ourselves to get out of bed .

"Do you want to do anything ?" I asked my head on jacks chest .

"Well ...."

Jacks POV :
After our little physical contact Katherine went to take a shower . I was getting dressed .

I figured Katherine and I could go to the beach. Might be nice .

I put on my swimming shorts and a shirt over top . Some flip flops and a pair of shades .

"Katherine? Come on !" I said sitting on the bed .

"I'm coming !" She called out . Katherine appeared in a swim suit as well . Damn

"Katherine, aren't you going to put like a cover up ?" I asked .

"No " she said and went to get her shoes .

"Katherine, I rather not men look at you .... That way " I said .

"It's bound to happen ! " Katherine said .

"Would your mother approve ?" I asked tapping a foot .

Katherine sighed and went to get a coverup . "I hate it when you're right " .

I smiled and we went out to the beach .

It was a nice day . The sun was shining and the water was clear . The sky was bright and open .

Katherine had packed an umbrella and some sandwiches. Plus two beach chairs and a beach blanket .

I opened the umbrella and put the blanket down while Katherine opened up the chairs .

I sat down on one chair under the umbrella. Katherine sat on the blanket . She sat in between my legs . She pulled out some book .

"Katherine?" I asked her looking down at her .

"Yes ?" She asked looking up from her book .

"Read to me "
"What ?"
"Read to me .... Read to me . I like hearing your voice "
"Didn't you tell Davey I nag ?"
"Katherine I like to hear you tell stories . I've caught you talking to Joseph. Read to me " I said . Katherine signed and opened her book .

"Poetry Foundation
Browse: Poems » Poets »
Annabel Lee

It was many and many a year ago,
   In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
   By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
   Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
   I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
   Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
   My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
   And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
   In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
   Went envying her and me—
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,
   In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
   Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
   Of those who were older than we—
   Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels in Heaven above
   Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
   Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,
   In her sepulchre there by the sea—
   In her tomb by the sounding sea.
back to top" Katherine read . I felt so happy .

Katherine sitting there so close to me . Reading me some Edgar Allan Poe .

"Hmm ?" She asked looking up from her book at me .

"I love you " I said
"I love you too "
"Do you have any more stories ?" I asked
"Yes , you'll love it " She said and flipped the page .

I dwelt alone
In a world of moan,
And my soul was a stagnant tide,
Till the fair and gentle Eulalie became my blushing bride-
Till the yellow-haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride.

Ah, less- less bright
The stars of the night
Than the eyes of the radiant girl!
That the vapor can make
With the moon-tints of purple and pearl,
Can vie with the modest Eulalie's most unregarded curl-
Can compare with the bright-eyed Eulalie's most humble and careless

Now Doubt- now Pain
Come never again,
For her soul gives me sigh for sigh,
And all day long
Shines, bright and strong,
Astarte within the sky,
While ever to her dear Eulalie upturns her matron eye-
While ever to her young Eulalie upturns her violet eye." Katherine read to me . I fell in love with her all over again .

"Jack how about you read something ?" She asked rubbing my hand .

"Okay .... Give me something ... I'm not very poetic -"
"I've seen your drawings .... I know you have some art in you . Please ? For me ? Your wife ? Your loving wife ? The wife who gave birth to your son " she said batting her eyelashes.

"Okay ,,, what then ?"
"Here !" She said handing me a book .

"When at times I feel like running
away, to your arms is where I want
to stay... to feel your touch you'll
ease my pain, happiness in my
heart I know I'll gain... from day
one I knew you'd be, the love of
my life for all of me... when I
looked into your eyes I saw so
much, wanting each time to feel
your touch... when I was down and
feeling blue, you wrapped your
arms around me and said I love
you... your gentle touch your soft
embrace, the sweet smile on your
face... my heart was set my life
complete, for I knew I was in love
with you my sweet... I wanted to
cry tears of joy, being with you I
always enjoy... your fragrance had
me wanting you more, I couldn't
find myself walking out your
door... I was madly in love with
what could be, the woman of my
dreams I saw for me..." I read .

"That was really pretty " Katherine said .
"Did you pick this one for a reason ?"
"Just to remind you "

Works used :
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe

Eulalie by Edgar Allan Pie

The Woman of My Dreams by Eddie Garcia

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