I Love You's Not Enough

Start from the beginning

We were just heading down the stairs when I got the fright of my life. Chris had jumped down, seemingly from nowhere.
"Bloody hell! Chris!" I gasped and hit her arm, Chris just cackled to herself. "You're so weird, what are you even doing?" I stared at the young woman in front of me who was clutching a notepad and her precious Swear Pot. I was immediately suspicious of her, she could be the sweetest thing but also devilishly evil, as she liked to say, a Slytherin and proud.
"How was the reunion? Did you have a good night?" The wicked grin stretched up to her eyes.
"'S'alright," I grumbled.
"It sounded so,"
"Are you on something?"
"Great, then move because I want breakfast," I tried to shove past her, but the waif held fast. "Chris," I growled, then noticed that she was eyeing Billie. Sighing, at her grin, I gave up.
"Fine, spit it out Chrysanthemum,"
"Fuck off," she scowled at her name. "Anyway," she grinned, finally looking at her notebook, "You owe £583.50 in the swear pot," she most definitely cackled and hopped down the stairs, leaving me and Billie in shock.
"What the fuck?" He murmured, staring at the spot where my whirlwind of a little sister was. I blinked slowly for a few seconds as the cogs turned in my brain, and I swear you could hear the penny drop as it dawned on me and I burst out laughing.

Poor Billie looked more than a little bewildered at the hyena in front of him where his girlfriend used to be.
"Oh- oh my god she heard us!" I managed to force out between deep guffaws. Billie blinked his widened eyes at me deadpan. "She, she heard us last night!" I cried, collapsing into his chest where he caught me with ease. "Oh my god the sick little fuck heard us and listened and counted every swear word!" My eyes were tearing up and I wasn't exactly sure why. I probably should have been mortified at the thought that my little sister had heard me having sex with one of her idols, but I just thought it was hilarious that she had indeed heard us and instead of being embarrassed she just used it as a business opportunity.

The next morning I was woken up by Chris screaming, jerking me awake and causing me to stare around blearily.
"Wha-?" I managed before she was in my room, completely oblivious to the fact that I was sprawled across Billie's naked chest as she jumped on the bed.
"Look outside! Look!" She was bouncing up and down and dragging me across the room. I shoved my glasses on hastily.
"Hey! Billie could be naked!" I snapped. Chris cast an eye over the figure of my boyfriend, who was not naked but had the sheets pooled around his waist, his bare chest on display, she raised an eyebrow and shrugged. I slapped her upside the head and pointed at Billie, who was watching our interaction quietly with a vague smile, as using.
"Mine," I grumbled warningly. I dragged my feet lazily as I followed her, thankful that I had crashed in one of Billie's shirts again and it was big enough to cover everything. "Alright, Squirt, what am I looking at?" I asked disinterestedly, parting the blinds with my fingers and peering out to see nothing.
"On the drive!" I could feel the energy humming off her and it was kind of terrifying, so I cast my gaze down and gasped at what I saw. There, right on the drive outside of my house was a very big ice cream van with a big, black bow on it.
"Oh my god," I said softly. Chris seemed to explode as she flailed around in front of me and shouted something illegible. "How much have you had today?" I asked the slightly shaking figure in front of me.
"I don't know, six, seven cones maybe. I've gotta go get more now, bye!" And just like that the little whirlwind blazed out of my room.

I collapsed sleepily back down on the bed.
"I was not ready for that," I felt the bed shift a little with Billie's soft chuckle. "Ya think?"
"You bought her an ice cream van?" I stared up at him, a little bit in awe, Billie shrugged bashfully and I could feel him getting a little embarrassed.
"Yeah well, now the dept is payed off and she's out of our way," Billie made it very easy to forget he was rich. He was so genuine and real, he was grounded an sensible and while he had nice things, and everything he needed at his home in Oakland, nothing was of extremity enough to say that he was a very well off rockstar, until he did 'simple' things that a normal person would never be able to imagine. Such as buying a corrupt little sister with an addiction an entire van full of ice cream.

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