“I have my reasons.”

“I understand,” his eyes softened and he moved away as he saw the wariness and mistrust in her eyes. As much as he didn’t want to be, he was curious about her story. What had she been through and what exactly was going on in that head of hers? Was she really working with Mason or is she only part of whatever it was that he was planning?

Most likely the latter if what Sierra mentioned earlier to him on the phone was true. If she was being used as a punching bag then there was a possibility that she was just another innocent in Mason’s ploys.

Victor sighed and tried to dissect his options. If he sent her on her way, then she’d be out of their hair and they could take care of business without worrying much about her getting in the way but if he called his crew mates and let them know that he’d found her –by accident of course—then they’d have to not only worry about their own ass but hers too.

The more he thought about it, the more appealing his first option became. But he couldn’t do that to Jason. Could he? It was obvious that he cared for her, though he couldn’t say the same about her. After all, the first and only impression Victor has gotten of her was her always pushing Jason away. If she really was sincere then why would she need to push the guy that wanted to help her out away?

“Why’d you sneak out of Jason’s apartment?” His out-of-the-blue question seemed to have caught her off guard as her neck snapped in his direction. Guilt was written all over her face and body language as he watched her try to come up with a valid excuse while she began to fidget. Never have he met someone so easy to read.

‘There is no way she was working with Mason. She’s too obvious.’

“It really isn’t any of your business,” she answered with an edge in her tone.

“Isn’t it?” He shot back as he stared her down. The brown and green in his eyes fused together as they narrowed in agitation and she matched his stare with one of her own.

After a short while, her shoulders sagged and she huffed. “I didn’t belong there.” Her voice was full of conviction. As if she was trying to convince not only him but herself of her words.

“Why not?” Victor asked as he inwardly cursed the second he noticed a familiar car stopping right behind his and its occupants stepped out. It looked like he no longer had an option on what to do with her. His eyes flickered from her to the two coming up from beside her. She was so distracted that she didn’t realize the two new people behind her. ‘Strike two,’ he thought ‘not only is she easy to read but, the damn girl paid no attention to her surroundings. No wonder she was easily attacked.’

“I- I don’t know,” she muttered roughly “I didn’t belong in that apartment with him. It’s not right. I’m running from one crew to another, one illegal drag racer to another, a crazy fiancé to a… to a-”

“Pretty nice guy. Too nice if you asked me.”

                Machayla jumped as an angry voice butted into her conversation with Victor. She turned to find hard green eyes staring down at her, its owner looked like a bird that had it feathers ruffled.

“How’d you find her?” Drake muttered over to Victor without taking his eyes off of her.

“Was heading to the hospital when I saw this piece of shit,” Victor nudged her attacker’s body with his foot again “holding a knife against her throat.”

Drake and Tabitha both looked down to find the blond man on the pavement.

Tabitha noticed the blood seeping between the man’s face and the cement. “What did you do? Smash in his face into the ground?”

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