Finding Out

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Three week later

"Who were you talking to?" I asked Jae when I walked into the game room seeing her put down her phone "Pearl" she said looking my way "mhm, whose Pearl?" I sat down putting my feet on her lap

"I met her at the gym the other day" I glared at her as I listen to her lies "why you talking to him again?" she looked up at me scrunching up her face "I'm not talking to him"

I chuckled shaking my head then snatched her up by her neck "why the fuck are you lying to me Ja'Ni" I gritted through my teeth squeezing her neck tightly "C-Chris.." her eyes rolled back as her mouth hung open.

I pushed her back by her neck watching her catching her breath "now why the fuck are you talking to him again!" I spat getting in her face

"I'm sorry! Okay, I-I-I.... I don't know" I smacked my lips then waved her off "get the fuck out and go be with that nigga!" I pushes her off the couch "Chris it's not that serious!" "Bitch get the fuck out!" I yanked her up pushing her towards the door.

"Daddy don't hurt mommy!" Ro yelled running into the living room along with Maurice "you two get back upstairs!" I yelled at them scaring them "no!" Maurice yelled then Ro threw her teddy bear at me "go back upsta-" Ja'Ni started but I interrupted her "you shut the fuck up!" I yelled

"Are you out of your gotdamn mind!" she yelled and slapped me in the face. I clenched my jaw and back head her hard as hell making her fall to the floor "Mommy!" the kids yelled running over to her hugging her.

I calmed down noticing what I was doing fuck "baby I'm sorry" I dropped to my knees quickly moving her hand from her face seeing tears stream down her face as her face turn red "baby" "Chris get off me" "bab-" "GET OFF!" I jumped off her stepping back along with the kids.

She got up and head upstairs to the kids room oh shit "mommy!" Maurice called for her going upstairs "I'm packing you and your sister things wait for me downstairs" I heard her say

"Ja'Ni!" I yelled running upstairs watching her walk passed me with Maurice Spiderman backpack "bab-" "don't even try. You did enough, you want me gone. You got your wish" she said grabbing Ro Frozen bag "I didn't mean it" she laughed walking downstairs then out the door with the kids without saying a word.

I'm so fucking stupid...


I sigh as I pulled up to Odells house that he bought last year for I don't know why but nigga bought a house out of nowhere. I took off my seat belt and just sat there thinking about what how stupid I am "mommy are you otay?" Maurice asked.

I nodded my head looking back at him "mommy is okay baby" I said smiling then got out to get them out of the car.

"where are we mommy?" Ro asked as she woke up rubbing her eye "at my friend house" I said walking up to door as I held their hands and knocked on it "coming!" he yelled from the other side "hey" "Hi" Ro said smiling real big "you the dude from commerl" I laughed at her trying to trying say commercial too cute "he's cute mommy" I laughed shaking my head "you cute too little one" he told Ro picking her up walking inside.

I walked in closing the door once Maurice walked in then I took his jacket off "who is he?" Maurice mean mugged Dell as he played with Ro looking just like his daddy "mommy friend, now stop mean mugging him boy" I kissed his cheek "introduce yourself baby" I told them as I sat down next to him on the couch "my name is Royalty" she smiled "my name is Maurice" he mumbled glaring at him what has gotten into this boy.

"wassup little man" he said shaking Maurice tiny hands "mommy I don't wanna be here" he whined snatching his hand away from Odell "Maurice come here now" I said.

He obeyed getting up on my lap "stop being rude or you're gonna get a whoopin" I whispered in his ear then pulled away seeing his face relaxed "now say sorry" I told him "sorry" he laid his head on my breast looking at Odell "it's okay little man" he smiled a little tickling his stomach getting a laugh from Maurice. I smiled and watch him interact with my kids.


I put the cleaned the dishes that we just ate off on the dry towel that laid out on the cabinet then watched Odell dried them and put them away "so what happen to her face?" I sigh covering my face with my hands.

"Chris and I got into a fight and I blame myself for it even starting" I said moving my hands

"about what?"

"About me talking to you, he must have went through my text messages" I said

"No man should put their hands on a women" he sigh shaking his head putting the towel down

"It's all my fault, I should have never hit him and just told him from the jump, ugh" he pulled me close to him caressing my cheek "stop" I moved my head away from his hand "sorry" he said kissing my cheek.

You give me second hand love like second hand smoke..

My phone went off playing Chris song that he recorded when we got back to California after our honeymoon/visit in Dubai "hello" I answered walking out the kitchen "Jae come home please, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you. I was just angry" Chris said.

I shook my head licking my lips "Chris get some rest" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket "you don't mind if we stay here tonight?" I asked facing Odell "of course not" he smiled.

I smiled a little going upstairs with him to his room "thank you" I kissed his cheek grabbing the clothes he handed me then walked out "where you going? I thought you was gonna sleep with me" I giggled walking into the room that the kids were sleeping in and changed my clothes getting in the king size bed pulling them closer to me.


Vote or comment - Janee

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