Chapter 5

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Authors note; hey guysss (: So sorry I haven't been updating!! I've been super busy on vacation but I recently got home so updates will come at least once a week, maybe twice. mmkayy so enjoy the story! Don't worry, someone will get murdered soon and then it will be better c; okk well see ya (; xx -Andrea

--- Allies POV ---

It had been 2 periods since lunch with Cameron. I like that kid. Cameron Walkers. Wow, even the name sounds familiar.

But when I was little, I was sliding around the slippery tile floor in my socks one time. But before I knew it, I had crashed my head into the thick marble counter. Ouch. That took 16 stitches and it damaged my memory. I wonder if I forgot Cameron after that, and my parents didn't tell me about him after the accident. Huh. My family and I basically had to teach my brain most of basics, like even learning to play the piano all over again. I'm not athletic, I'm not popular, I'm not really considered cool. But playing the piano is the one thing that I'm good at, the one thing that I can just do without being judged or worrying about what people think about me. I guess you could call it my escape. Cheesy, I know.

Anyways, history time, with my dad. Ew. I've never been very good with history, and my dad is not very proud of that.

When I walked in, the class was talking to each other, half of them whispering. Standards for a new student. 'stupid high school' I thought to myself.

I'm a few minutes, my dad (Mr. Brooks, as he makes me call him in school) started to speak.

"Alright, today we have a new student, Cameron Walker. Cameron, you can sit next to my daughter, Allie. Allie, I can trust you to show him the basics of the class, and the lesson today, right?"

After I nodded yes, Dad showed Cameron to his seat next to me. He have me a warm smile and I returned it with a smile of my own. I really did like this kid.


After history, the school day was over. I had promised Cameron that I would walk him to the entrance to the school, he said that he got lost finding his way to the classroom.

As we walked out I got an idea.

"Hey you know, my dad has to stay late at school today for grading papers, and my mom doesn't get back from her book reading until 6. She's a children's author. But anyways, that means I'm not expected at home for a while. Sometimes I like to go walk in the fruit fields a little wall from here. Wanna join?" I asked.

Sure. I could use a walk out, my mom has been unpacking and going insane. I think I could use a break." He said with his bright smile.


Once we started walking into the fruit field, we were there for a while. I liked talking to Cameron, it was fun. We talked about our lives, him getting adapted to the busy city of Boston, I'm glad I was able to get to know him a little more.

"So your mom sounds cool. But I've been meaning to ask you, what exactly happened to your dad? Didn't you say that he died or something when you were little?" I asked, after each of us talked about our families.

"Oh." he replied. "When I was 7, my parents owned a huge boat. It was like their prized possession. One day, my dad, Steve, took the boat out. He was so happy, it was the anniversary of the day they bought the boat. He was going out on a two day boating trip. But after 3 days, we reported him missing, and we started to lose hop after a while. My mom had the hardest time getting over it, I think. The body was never found, so I think that a part of her is still hoping that my dad is sitting on an island, sipping a piña colada, living with monkeys."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking.." I said.

No no, it's okay. I know some kids are really sensitive if they lose a parent, but I don't really mind talking about it." He said, not really caring. That's part of what I like about him. He doesn't really care what people think about him. I like that.

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